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February 15, 2020
  • Profitability 10
  • The quality of boards 9
  • Support 8
  • Technology 10

In my opinion, Gusi is the best affiliate for working in Russia and the foreign market. I worked for a year and now I am 100% sure of it

First of all, unlike competitors, with whom I also worked all this year as a reserve at the geese direct offers from operators, which is really convenient for example for the harmonization of personal brands, well and first-hand information is always faster and more accurate, unlike the same vildo and webvap, which by the way technically are not inferior.

Secondly, through the geese can try to work with the whole world and get an officer, which in the public no one just does not have, I before this did not even think about working with the foreign market now quite stable driving traffic. Probably, if you search in each country direct contact conditions can get better, but really it's a decent hemorrhoid and without understanding the foreign market and normal successful cases for me the game is not worth the candle. For me Rf is still number one and time to spend on the search for reklov in Italy I have no desire.

In short, now gusi best vapklik affiliate confirmed by personal experience.

Profit - maximum on the market

Platniki - rf direct, foreign market live

Support - at the level of all the best affiliate is not better and not worse

Technology - all the way again at the level of

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This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

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