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May 01, 2021
  • Support 6
  • Technology 6
  • Quality of offers 2
  • Reliability 2

As promised, I'm sending you screenshots of my previous review. (The day has passed, and the situation has not changed fundamentally ... The first I want to attach screenshots of the tangible difference in the conversions. statistics Offerrum now show the statistics of another system, after I diverted traffic from the Offerrum to her strange, is not it? Well, the solution of my question comes otpiski (already a day) of this nature: read from the bottom to the top.and as always wait ... I wonder how long ... day? month?

Translated from the original

June 05, 2021, 02:36

What's interesting, Leads on financial offers exactly like yours hold for more than 90 days

This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.