September 12, 2024 0 226

Improve Your POP Traffic Tracking by 25% Using Custom Events: A Step-by-Step Guide

POP traffic often gets overlooked in affiliate marketing. Many assume it's low-quality or difficult to convert. However, with the right tracking methods, POP traffic can be quite relevant. POP traffic, or pop-under traffic, displays ads in a new browser window beneath the current one, appearing when users close or minimize their main window. This approach can be powerful but requires careful analysis to optimize its potential.

Tracking POP traffic can be tricky due to its unique nature. Many users close the pop-under window before the landing page fully loads, leading to incomplete data and missed opportunities. Traditional tracking methods, which focus on website ID and revenue, might not be enough to understand user behavior and improve conversions. This article explores a new approach to POP traffic tracking using custom events, providing deeper insights and more accurate data for better decision-making.

Choosing a tracking tool

To start advanced POP traffic tracking, you need a reliable tracker. We'll use MaxConv tracker as an example here. It offers custom conversions and event features at a reasonable price. However, there are many tracking solutions available, each with different features and pricing.

MaxConv's custom events feature lets you track specific user actions on your landing pages. This provides more detailed information about user engagement beyond just affiliate link clicks.

Setting up custom events on pre-landing pages

Let's look at how custom events work on a pre-landing page. Consider a page where clicks on avatars or like buttons trigger a modal window with a sign-up offer. Custom events can track each of these interactions.

Here’s the code for sending an event on a div:

HTML for button click


<div class="play-button" onclick="maxconv(function(){ maxconv('logEvent', 'play_click'); })">

  Button video play icon or other html code


HTML for links


<a href="" onclick="maxconv(function(){ maxconv('logEvent', 'click_name'); })">Alex Follow</a>

This setup shows you exactly where users are clicking, helping you understand what interests them and how to design more effective pages.

Improving POP traffic tracking

Analyzing POP traffic typically involves examining the website ID and the revenue generated. If the conversion cost is high, it’s also important to evaluate the Click-Through Rate (CTR) of the Landing Page (LP). If the CTR LP is low, the website ID might be added to the blacklist.

While this method has been effective for years, it doesn’t account for situations where the pre-landing page might be unappealing. This can affect the number of clicks not due to bad traffic or bots, but because of poor LP design. Moreover, POP traffic often results in users closing tabs before the landing page fully loads, leading to incomplete data.

To better track how many people actually see the landing page, a special event called "focus" can be implemented. This event provides more accurate data about user interactions.

JavaScript for focus event



  document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', handleFocusOnce);

  function handleFocusOnce() {

    if (document.visibilityState === 'visible') {

      maxconv(function() { maxconv('logEvent', 'focus'); });

      document.removeEventListener('visibilitychange', handleFocusOnce);




Key POP traffic metrics

With these new tracking methods, you'll focus on three main numbers:

1. Visits: Total visitors from your ad network

2. Focus: Visitors who actually viewed your page

3. Clicks: Visitors who clicked through to your offer

These metrics provide a more complete view of your campaign performance.

Using your new tracking data

Here's how to use this new data:

  • Analyze focus numbers: Compare visits to focus events. A big gap might indicate slow-loading pages or quick ad closures.
  • Use CTR focus: This shows how many people who saw your page clicked through. It's more informative than standard CTR.
  • Evaluate traffic sources: Use focus event data to identify which website IDs bring quality traffic.
  • Optimize landing pages: Custom event tracking shows which page elements get the most interaction.
  • Enhance A/B testing: Create different page versions with unique custom events to see which performs best.

Expected results

Using these tracking techniques can lead to:

1. Improved traffic quality: Focus on sources that bring engaged visitors.

2. Higher conversion rates: Better understand user behavior to create more effective landing pages.

3. Better ROI: Quality traffic and higher conversions typically increase profitability.

4. Data-driven decisions: Make choices based on detailed user behavior data.


Custom event tracking illuminates key metrics for POP traffic campaign success. It allows you to understand user interactions in more detail and use that information to improve campaign performance.

It's worth noting that while this guide used MaxConv tracker as an example, there are many other tracking solutions available in the market. Popular options include Voluum, Redtrack, Bemob, and Binom, among others. Affiliates should choose a tracking solution that best fits their specific needs, budget, and technical requirements.

These advanced tracking methods can give you an advantage in affiliate marketing. By understanding your traffic better and optimizing based on data, you can potentially increase the profitability of your POP campaigns.


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#affiliate marketing #POP advertising #data analysis #focus event #campaign peformance #tracking tools

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