May 25, 2023 0 609

How to Use Lead Magnet and Facebook Group Sales Funnel to Promote High-Level Affiliate Products

It can be extremely hard to have a business schedule or run a day-to-day job while trying to build an online business, and this is why we have decided to give you a step-by-step roadmap to quit your 9-to-5 jobs with affiliate marketing, even if you have a few hours per week. This plan is a strategy Chad Bartlet, an online entrepreneur shared with his audience recently. 

The plan involves not owning a website and anyone can do it. This is for someone on-time budget.

Now, before we get further into this article, make sure that you don't miss out on any of our updates, which include new case studies, guides, publications, and interviews filled with proven facts and statistics from successful online marketing entrepreneurs that can help you start and grow your online business. Subscribe to our Telegram Channel and follow our Twitter page today!

Let's dive into this article...

The Road Map
Quit Your 9 - 5 Road map --> Niche --> Product --> Lead Magnet --> Facebook Group --> Start TikTok Account --> Research and Make VIRAL Content Niche --> Get To 1 000 Followers and Put Group Link in Bio  --> Collect Emails and Do Chat Marketing For New Members Joining Facebook Group -->> Get To First $1 000 Commissions --> GOAL: Average of 20 to 30 Requests Per Day in Facebook Group --> Quit Your Job --> Scale to 6 Figures.

Note: The bolded steps in the road map are checkpoints that you are going to try to hit right. They are your first couple of goals and eventually, you will be able to quit your job and scale to the six-figure mark. 

1. Pick Your Niche and Product

Many of our readers already have an idea of the niche and product they want to promote, but for those who are new and have no idea of what to promote, there are a couple of things Chad recommended. Search the keywords: "Chad Bartlett Affiliate Marketing" on YouTube to get more of his videos which can be a source of inspiration in choosing the right product. Also, you can visit an affiliate marketing network (ClickBank, Digistore24, WarriorPlus, JZoo, etc) and browse through the niches and products they have. So, for newcomers, you should look for products in the following niches: spirituality, health, and fitness, personal finance, e-business, e-marketing, etc. 
Always find a niche you are interested in, have experience in, or have passion for because you will be making content, writing emails, and promoting products around your chosen niche. 

2. Create a Lead Magnet to Build Your Email List
A lead magnet is something that you will give away for free to people in your niche in exchange for their email addresses. Your email list is one of your most valuable online assets; therefore, work hard to build an excellent email list. Email marketing is a powerful strategy that will continue to make you money month after month. Chad said:

"If you want to quit your 9 to 5 job, you want to ensure that you have a consistent income and different assets on which you can rely and will make you consistent money every month. One of those assets is your email list".

What Kind of Lead Magnet Should You Deploy

There are a couple of things you can do concerning deploying a good lead which depends on your niche. According to Chad, 

"For example, one of the gifts that I give away on my YouTube channel is my "Affiliate Boss Cheat Sheet" which comprises of 7 proven steps to quit your job with affiliate marketing".  

Chad put those 7 steps into an ebook and also into a cheat sheet, and for his followers to have the ebook, they have to give him their email addresses. Here is a screenshot of the cheat sheet. 

Lead Magnet in the Spiritual, Meditation, and Manifestation Niche

Let us look at the Spiritual and Manifestation niche. Below is a lead magnet where we can give away free audio on medication (audio mp3). Anyone who wants to learn about the latest way to help one manifest whatever you want in reality will have to give out his or her email first. 

After clicking "Download Now", you will be taken to the page where you will input your email address. 

Lead Magnet in the Fitness and Health Niche

Another example is in the Fitness and Health niche, where the promoter is giving o stretching program to unlock your spine, joints, and muscles. His 8 - minute routine that can relieve tension, build core body strength, and enhance your flexibility is a perfect lead magnet. His lead magnet is shared as a video; therefore, your lead magnet does not have to be an ebook only. 

And the videos are sent to the emails visitors give him. 

The good news is that when you promote products on ClickBank and other networks, they usually include videos as one of the materials you can use to promote your chosen product. You do not need to create your video; instead, use the free video provided by your affiliate network as your lead magnet. They are taken to the sales page after downloading the video.

Lead Magnet in the Travel Niche

Another example is in the travel niche where the lead magnet teaches travelers how to travel for free on a lean budget. Most travelers will be interested in how to pick a travel credit card, how to earn miles for free flights and hotels, and how to get a free community with other travel hackers. 

If they want the free guide, all they have to do is to enter their email addresses. 

3. Create a Facebook Group

The strategy is to use Facebook Group as your website, as your sales funnel, and as your community for anyone interested in the product you are promoting as is in your niche. 

The Sales Funnel Map

Create a FaceBook around your niche which can be in any niche of your choice. You will create membership group questions and ask a couple of questions. So, Chad always collects emails with this method and also implements a chat marketing strategy when they join his group. 

Chad's Facebook Group Funnel Map

  • Membership Question to Collect Emails 

Question 1: This group is for aspiring Entrepreneurs, Affiliate Marketers, and Individuals who are serious about starting a business online. (Does it sound like you?)
The first membership question is a general one. 

Question 2: Would you like a FREE copy of my 5-step cheat sheet to quit your job with affiliate marketing? Give us your email to get access to our best team. 
The second question is where he asked them if they want his free cheat sheet (the lead magnet), and he asks for their email addresses.

According to Chad,

"I get 50 to 100 new members who give me their emails every single day and we get all kinds of people entering their emails into this question because they want a free copy of this cheat sheet. What that does is that it builds my email list, so you do not need a funnel software or paid for one since we are using a Facebook Group."

He moves the emails manually from Facebook Group and enters them into his email sequence in his funnel, and he starts sending them follow-up emails to promote his products and makes more money.

Question 3: I am starting a NEW case study group this month and I am looking for a handful of affiliates to partner with who want to make an extra $3 000 to $5 000 per month online, are you interested in joining us? (FINANCIAL and TIME commitment required).

Chad suggests promoting high-ticket products that sell for $500 or more with its method. You only need a couple of sales per day to make a decent living with this method.

The final step is to be introduced to his Facebook community. They can meet other members and ask lots of questions. Chad usually does a discount promotion on his Facebook Group.

Instead of just using an email sequence that works, you can include a chat option that builds trust faster. You can respond to all of your customers' questions more quickly, which usually results in a high conversation rate.

4. Getting Members into Facebook Group

We are not going to use the traditional sales Funnel template, but use our Facebook group as our sales Funnel as we explained earlier. There are multiple ways to do it, but Chad Bartlet used a unique method which we are explaining below: 

  • Using TikTok Account

Chad believes this is one of the fastest ways to get people into our Facebook Group. Your TikTok account should be around your niche, and start making research on viral videos in your niche to promote it. 

Chad Bartlett's TikTok Page with 160 700 followers and 333 400 likes

In Chad's words

"This is my TikTok Chadshustle account, and I make all kinds of videos around side hustles and affiliate marketing because that is my niche for my brand." 

Search TikTok with your niche as keywords to see what videos your competitors have on TikTok so you know what types of videos to start posting. For instance, if your niche is travel, look for travel hacks. Watch the videos and figure out how to improve them so that you can start getting a lot of views. Concentrate on viral videos in your niche.

  • Get to 1 000 Followers and Put Group Link in Bio. You must attain this goal before TikTok allows you to add a link to your bio. After getting to the 1 000 followers mark, insert your Facebook Link into your TikTok bio.
  • Make a Call to Action on your video. You should start making a call to action to join your Facebook on your videos after reaching the 1 000 followers mark. An example, you can do something like: "If you want to join my free community of affiliate marketing group (or travel hacker, you should mention your program), click the link in my bio." With this method, more people will start joining your Facebook group. 
  • Get to $ 1 000 in Commissions. With your first three hundred to five hundred people joining your Facebook Group, you should have no trouble earning your first $1 000 in commissions. This is what it takes to earn at least $1 000, especially if you use a chat marketing strategy in your Facebook group.
  • Keep Ramping up How Many Members Requests You are Getting per day. Keep optimizing your TikTok videos to produce viral so you can be getting a lot of Facebook Group requests to join.  You should try to optimize to get 20 to 30 requests per day. This is a very good number because you can get an average of 750 members in the initial months of starting your program. 

If you want to scale from $3 000 to $5 000  adding 750 members per month should be your first goal so you can quit your 9 to 5 job and focus more on your online business. 


Using a free Facebook Group account as your sales funnel instead of paying for traditional sales funnel websites is very effective. TikTok can help you drive traffic to your Facebook group by posting viral video content.

If you can optimize your TikTok account by posting viral video content on it, you should get 20 to 30 leads per day to your Facebook Group. This should easily earn you $3 000 to $5 000. So, the secret is to keep loading your TikTok page with viral video content and to include a call to action in the videos for viewers to click your TikTok bio to join your Facebook Group for a free community. People are always skeptical. People are always skeptical of joining websites and some other kinds of groups, but using a Facebook group will remove the doubts in viewers of your videos. 

If you utilize email marketing and chat marketing very well, it is possible to start earning $300 to $500 per day as you make progress in your business. This is when you can start earning six figures. 

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