20+ Best Meditation Affiliate Programs and Networks [2024]

From searching for inner peace to looking for mental, physical, and spiritual balance in a world where many people find it unbalanced. These and many more reasons are why people meditate. And The fact that meditation has proven effective makes a lot of people dive right into it. Today, India is one such place where meditation is greatly practiced with over 81M meditators, and the USA comes right after with 37M meditators.

The interesting part is that these two countries summed up together barely make up half of the total number of people practicing meditation in the world since there are 500 M of them. This stat explains why the meditation industry alone is worth $2B and is expected to grow to $6 B by the end of 2030. We will show you how to be an affiliate in this niche and all the things you need to get started.

What Are Meditation Affiliate Programs

Affiliate marketing in this niche works by promoting meditation products to interested customers and audiences. Before that, you will need to become an affiliate in this niche and the process includes you finding the best meditation affiliate program and signing up with that program. After that, you can select the best meditation offers and promote such offers to meditators. The number of meditators you can get to accept your affiliate offers will determine the amount of income you make monthly. Thankfully, the meditation niche provides affiliates with a lot of products to advertise, and don’t worry, it’s nothing you can’t do.

Products to Promote in Meditation Affiliate Programs

There are many meditation products that you can sell to meditators. In some cases, you will get meditators to sign up for meditation classes and all. Nonetheless, keep in mind that you will be promoting meditation products and offers with the likes of these.

  • Meditation and Spiritual Books. This product contains meditation and spiritual books that will guide meditators on the best ways to carry on with meditation. There are a lot of techniques and approaches to meditation. Your potential customers will find such techniques and approaches helpful, especially if they have a hard time focusing while meditating.
  • Meditation Devices. This product contains devices that assist users in synching with their minds when they meditate. They find a way to help you reach a meditative mood and remain that way for as long as needed. Meditators who have a hard time remaining focused while meditating will find this helpful. and you can also earn up to 30% commission from selling these products.
  • Meditation Guides. This product contains meditation guides. In a case where users find it hard to meditate or stay in a meditative state, the products here will help them change the narrative by transforming their lives. You can earn up to 5% or even more, depending on what you sell to potential customers.
  • Meditation Accessories. This product contains meditation accessories such as mats, benches, singing bowls, and altar accessories. Whatever meditators need to make their meditation session comfortable. You on the other hand can make up to 7% for every sale done through your affiliate link which can amount to a lot of money with time.
  • Scented Candles. This product contains scented candles. Concerning different approaches to meditation, some meditators only focus their eyes on the flames from these candles which differs from the normal practice of keeping the eyes shut. Nonetheless, for those meditators who enjoy perceiving organic scents while they meditate, this will be an irresistible offer.
  • Audio and Video Meditation Courses. This product contains meditation audio and videos for meditators to follow while meditating. Some of these products can even lead meditators into a perfect meditative state and the good side of all these is that they can be sold online in MP3 or MP4 forms, nationwide with no stress.
  • Essential Oils. This product contains oils that can be applied to the body where there are sores or palms for inhaling while meditating. They are made with 100% organic properties which makes them safe for ingestion too. The good news is you can generate good income from promoting these.

Payment Models in Meditation Affiliate Programs

Affiliate programs in the meditation niche have a unique way they pay their affiliates. That is what we will look at in this section, so pay attention to how they work.

Revenue Share

This payment model enables affiliates affiliated with meditation affiliate programs to receive a share of the money spent by customers referred through their affiliate link. The money spent can be based on a meditation online course registration or the purchase of meditation books and guides. You can earn continuously with RevShare; for instance, when meditators find your meditation offers helpful, they can keep reinstating their interest in that offer, so you keep receiving a share continuously. The share to be received by affiliates is determined by the meditation affiliate program, but it varies and comes in the form of percentages.

Cost per Sale (CPS)

The process of CPS differs from RevShare in the sense that, meditation affiliate programs using this payment model pay their affiliates at flat rates only, after a successful sale or action. When you get a meditation customer to perform an action which can be anything, through your affiliate link, you will be paid once. The price to be paid for any action performed by a referral through your affiliate link is determined and fixed by the meditation affiliate program and does not change. Regardless of how much referrals spend through your link, and whether they return or not…CPS is a one-time payment model.

What to Consider When Choosing a Meditation Affiliate Program

Certain things make a good meditation affiliate program. These are things you should consider when choosing a meditation affiliate program to join as an affiliate.

Payment Frequency and Minimum Payout

The payment frequency and minimum payout for meditation programs vary so we suggest you choose one that you can cope with. The way this works is very easy to get a lead on. Since there are lots of products that you can sell to potential customers, and some of these products earn you percentages in cents, it will take a long time to gather up something tangible. Knowing what amount you must reach, and when you can withdraw your earned commission can serve as motivation to you. Some programs pay twice a month, while some take up to 30 days.

Commission Rate

Since you already have an idea about how the payment models in this niche work, you can easily choose a meditation program with a payment model you can cope with. The rate you receive from a program in this niche is determined by the payment model they use, for instance. Programs using RevShare pay affiliates between 7% to 40% per sale of meditation products that can be priced between $100 to $500. While programs using CPS offer flat rates only, so it doesn't matter if you sell a meditation product worth $10 or $500. If the rate is $5, $5 is all you will receive.

Cookie Duration

Above all, do not relent about the cookie duration of a meditation program you intend to be affiliated with. This will determine how many referrals you get paid for at the end of the day. Meditation affiliate programs are known to offer between 7 days to 120 days of cookie duration. Note that it can be crucial to choose a program that offers fewer days for cookie duration, even though it all falls back on your marketing skills. If you can constantly get potential customers to perform certain actions through your affiliate link before the cookie duration runs out, then you are good to go.

Your Familiarity with the Products

It wouldn't make sense to promote a meditation product you are not familiar with. This might work with other niches, but it won’t in this niche. Familiarity with the products you promote gives you more ideas on how to engage your audiences. You will see that you only target interested customers. Thanks to the internet, you don't have to use a meditation product yourself. You can read reviews left by meditators on a meditation product and build more knowledge from there.

How to Drive Traffic to Meditation Offers

There are more than 500 M people practicing meditation in one way or the other, in the world. How do you get these people to check out your meditation offers? Consider using these traffic sources.

Social Media and Content Sharing Platforms

Social media channels and content-sharing platforms present you with opportunities to drive good traffic to your meditation affiliate offers. All you have to do is think out of the box and target interested audiences that can’t resist your offers. Luckily, the number of users on these traffic channels makes anything possible, and you can get to them easily. For instance, you can run paid Ads on social media and content-sharing platforms like Tiktok, YouTube, and medium where they are bound to get to a lot of people in which you won't lack a fair number that is interested in your meditation offers.

Your options are not limited to paid Ads only, you can become a group or page admin and influence potential customers from there. Social media platforms are such places where a good group or page filled with meditation practitioners can bounce back quality traffic to your affiliate offers and you can achieve this in two ways. The first way is by using link shorteners. This will hide your links' true purpose until after they are clicked by users.

The second way is to post the URL of your meditation affiliate blog or website where you have meditation offers, waiting for potential customers as soon as they click through your URL. You would be surprised at the value of the traffic you generate to your meditation offers, especially if you are a good influencer. And when dealing with meditation offers that are in video or audio forms, you can share them to content-sharing platforms as descriptive posts and let them run just enough to capture viewers' attention to the point where they want more. Make sure to add your affiliate link in the post description so that you can easily convert interested audiences to your meditation offers.

Meditation Blog

A meditation blog can lead significant traffic to your affiliate offers, but it all falls back to the quality and the appealing value of the content you post there. So if you intend to use a meditation blog to develop good recurring traffic, then you might consider posting content in these structures.

  • How To: Most users who come to meditation blogs are looking for guides on how to go about certain meditative practices like “How to sync with your mind, body, and soul while meditating,” or “How to Use Meditation Devices,” etc… When you post contents like these, you are creating a position of the “Go-to person” for yourself and potential customers who always find these helpful will not hesitate to check out the meditation offers on your meditation blog.

  • Comparison Posts: Then there is the category of people who are always uncertain about what to choose. Just imagine a potential customer who is unsure about the benefits of choosing a meditation bench, or mat. When such a customer comes across your comparison post where you compare these two meditation products and outline their Pros and Cons, the user will find this helpful in making a decision and might as well purchase through your affiliate link.
  • Review Posts: Writing meditation product reviews can win you the hearts of many meditators at once if you know what meditation product to write on, which is easy… all you have to do is know what potential customers search for, and work with that.
  • Best Of: How about having a long list of products that meditators can choose from? Creating this type of content means you get to research the numerous meditation products in the niche and write about the best of them based on testimonies. The deeper your research, the more convincing potential customers will find your content.

Keyword Targeting

Keywords are what potential customers use to locate meditation content online. Since the meditation niche has a lot of products that you can promote, it means you will need different keywords that match each meditation product you put out there. Some keywords are competitive in the meditation niche and might leave you with little to no traffic, while some are less competitive. Scanning the SERPs will help you determine the level of competition each keyword has. If the competition is much, then no need to use it since you can always settle for a long tail keyword. Here’s a list of keywords good for targeting.

Focus on SEO

So let’s say you have a good meditation website but you are struggling with optimizing it for search engines. A good practice that can change the narrative is by enhancing users’ experience. Keep in mind that search engines will continuously record how fast users abandon your page and how long they spend there. This data will determine the value of the traffic you get from search engines.

You might not know this, but there are many ways you can enhance users’ experience. Some of these include making sure your site loads faster, avoiding unnecessary pop-up ads, and using HTTPS to encrypt users’ data. There is nothing as comforting as being assured that your data is secured from scammers. The thing is, search engines like Google are constantly looking for reasons to rank sites and with that, they placed users’ experience on the top of the list for things to be considered.

Engage with Your Community

For you to be able to engage with your community, you must have one first. And for that to be possible, you must remain active on some social media platforms of your choice where you can easily get potential customers' opinions on meditation products. These social media platforms provide you with tools that you can leverage to get users' opinions. For instance, you can create a poll on Twitter or Facebook, with options for meditation products for users who are practitioners to choose what they need the most. You can get more ideas on what to promote to your members from there.

Case Studies

In this section we are going to go through some of the most impactful websites and blogs in the niche of meditation and mental health that drive traffic to meditation affiliate programs and affiliate networks. We are also going to see some of the techniques they use to get more traffic and more revenue.

Case #1: VeryWellMind

VeryWellMind might not exactly focus on mindfulness or meditation, but they surely write about all types of mental health subjects. They have articles on all sorts of subjects such as mental health, self improvement, psychology, mindfulness, stress management, spirituality, and meditation.

It's worth noting that VeryWellMind makes up to $5 million annually thanks to all the traffic they drive to their affiliate programs, and trust us when we say it, there are a lot of them on this website.

They have an entire section on meditation which includes articles on the comparison between mindfulness and meditation, meditation tips, meditation applications and websites, and “How-to” articles.

Almost all of the articles that include the introduction to a set of books or applications have a long list of products with their respective affiliate links. Sometimes when you get too deep on these articles you can find some links to other articles that are complementary and include even more affiliate links.

Take the article below for example. This article is a “Best-of” article, which includes a list of the best products for the thing that the user searched on Google. As you can see, they have some of the best affiliate offers listed right there.

Now, let's take a look at how they structured these product review articles in depth. In this article you can see sections for every single Meditation application. Each of them has a tag that says what it is best for, for example best for beginners, best for sleep, best budget, best guided, best for focus, and many more tags.

The benefit you gain from having these tags on your product review articles is that it automatically grabs the attention of people who matched that tag. For example the tag that says “best for budget” attracts people who don't want to spend a lot of money on the meditation app.

Now, let's check the other sections on each of these products’ sections. First of all, we can see the key specifications right on the top, which includes all the small details that might be helpful to know for the user so they can quickly pass through the products to find the one they need. In the key specifications section you can see some obvious information like the cost, the platform, whether it's free or paid, and the features.

Next, you see the paragraph with a heading of why we chose it. This paragraph includes a quick and honest review of why you chose this specific product, and this is exactly why very well mined is famous in this niche. They pay attention to people's needs and explain to them why the products that they chose are the best and why users should be trusting them.

The next section is the pros and cons which should exist on every single product review, even in other niches. The pros and cons are obviously just tips and points to help users make the best decision. But you need to keep in mind that in order for you not to lose any potential customers, you need to write more pros than cons on every single product. The fact that there are cons on the product review article in the first place is for the audience to feel like you actually care and you're trying to be honest about the products without trying to over promote them.

And the last section is the overview part which includes all the information and descriptions of the product, any extra points that came from you testing the product, or any guides or tips for the users before they continue to purchase. Remember, you are not the advocate of the FL it offers your products, and you are just trying to introduce people to some programs that might be useful for them.

Case #2: ChoosingTherapy

ChoosingTherapy is another authoritative website that promotes affiliate offers related to meditation. We should mention that they have more than 3 million visits every month and they are growing faster than before. All of this is thanks to some simple things they do, which you can do as well.

First and foremost,they are a therapy service. This doesn't matter much on its own because they mostly provide therapy services to people. However, their blog section has a lot of articles with affiliate links in them and obviously they run lots of ads so a major part of the revenue coming to them is through these methods.

Let's take a look at some of their blog posts that include “Best-of” articles and meditation guides specifically.

Here we have another instance of the best meditation apps article as we've seen on the VeryWellMind website.

In this article you can find an abundance of affiliate links. Plus, they only introduced the most credible meditation applications out there. Let's take a look at how they structure their meditation product reviews.

Firstly, they have the classic “details on the top” and “pros and cons on the bottom” structure on every product. They write about the pricing, they include the affiliate link, and write the most important details of the product right on the top. Then they move on to writing some pros and cons, and as mentioned before your pros need to be much better than the cons.

Next, we have a section that includes an overview of the application or product that they are introducing to people. And after that we have the key features which includes a detailed and descriptive on the product. This section is also an honest review or explanation of the testing that they did.

If you take a good look at the rest of their articles, you can see that they have the same exact structure for most of the articles that include affiliate links. This is a good tip for you to write your product reviews because people usually care about consistency when it comes to introducing or reading about new products, and since many websites are doing this this way, you have to jump on the hype train as well.

Case #3: MindBodyGreen

The last case on this list is the MindBodyGreen website, which produces up to $5 million in revenue annually. Just like the other two websites, this website specializes in different topics, including mindfulness, health, food, movement, beauty, home, parenting, relationships, lifestyle, etc. This is important to note because not every meditation blog is all about meditation.

But since we're talking about meditation here, let's check how they structure their affiliate blog posts and how they promote affiliate links. Let's just go with the classic “best meditation apps” article.

An important part of an affiliate website, especially in the niche that somehow impacts people's mental health or physical health it is important to tell people how you choose to pick those certain affiliate offers or products. Even though you are not actually telling the truth, it's important to write something to let the people know that you cared enough to actually do some research into the products. And by that we mean exactly the section below that MindBodyGreen website has.

The way they structure their product reviews is a little more simplistic than the other two websites. They only write about the pros and cons and the quick set of details right on the top. Then they just include a quick description and the cost of the product. Unlike the other two websites, this website is doing its CTAs pretty well. The other two websites wrote their CTA's in the text so it was very hard for their audience to see and follow them. This website, on the other hand, puts the CTA button right on the top where everybody can see.

While these are all the same type of content, you can see the little details make all the difference in the world. This website also has a lot of articles on guiding people to do meditations, hacks, tips and tricks.

And with that, you have everything you need to know about writing a good meditation product review, creating a good meditation website, and adding some more information to your blog to make it more informative so people will always come back to you for any meditational needs.

One more section that can be very useful for you especially if you're trying to get organic traffic, is adding an FAQ section that includes some common questions people ask and answer them so you can get indexed easily.


Walking up to people meditating can be awkward. Especially when they have their eyes shut and legs folded with their hands stretched out sideways in a bow shape. The sad part is, most of these people who practice meditation in such forms do not always get results, but they can’t change because that is the only approach they know. When you present a well-detailed meditation guide or course that will teach such people different approaches to meditation, they will find it helpful and end up with positive results.

This can only be possible when you are familiar with your audiences and what they want. And that is by engaging them and getting their opinions on meditative topics. Posting “How to Guide” on your meditation affiliate blog can also give you a perfect idea of what to promote from the comments readers leave after going through your blog. Don't forget to add your affiliate links.

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