General information

Launch year: Unknown

Best Case Leads is dedicated to accelerating pipeline and revenue growth for law firms by providing data on accurate and actionable consumers seeking legal assistance.

Key features of Best Case Leads' affiliate program include payments typically made on a Net 30 basis. Affiliates can generate qualified traffic and get paid for high-quality, real-time leads. It's free to join and easy to start earning money, with nationwide coverage for many practice areas serviced by attorneys.

Affiliates benefit from the highest payouts for every qualified lead completed by a consumer in need of legal help. The platform offers fast and flexible payment terms through preferred payment methods to support cash flow needs within the industry. Additionally, Best Case Leads provides a simple returns and scrubs process for ease of management.

With geo-targeting capabilities, affiliates can sell leads by targeting specific states, cities, and zip codes using the platform's databases. Best Case Leads accommodates different delivery schedules per lead buyer and offers dedicated support through a responsive affiliate team to optimize the affiliate experience.


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22 February 2025
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