April 20, 2021
  • Profitability 8
  • Problems with anti-viruses 9
  • Stability 10
  • Support 10

I've been working with propellers for over 2 years now. I buy popunders, pushes/ipp - the network never fails.
The quality of the guys is good, the volume is great, and the prices are generally pleasant.
Also they are constantly adding new features (2 years they added a ton of new features to make the job easier and more convenient).
To sCPA on pushes <3

The support team deserves a special mention!
In live chat they are very fast, always find a solution to a problem. The personal account manager is also very good - we solve arising issues quickly, day and night.)

Attached a screenshot of this year's spread, in order to confirm my words with numbers

Translated from the original

This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

4 reviews
3 reviews