December 07, 2014
  • Support 10
  • Technology 8
  • Quality of offers 10
  • Reliability 8

It's no secret that making money on context and banner ads is a thing that began to lose its ground since the formation of large CPA-networks like Admitad. Several years ago, when the mechanisms of detection of incoming traffic and its efficiency in such affiliate programs were not perfect and could be easily manipulated, people, who heard the sounds of money in their ears, began to get a dollar out of several rubles given for registration in browser games. How did this happen? Very easy: on the services like Advego people created orders with a request to register through a link from Admitad. At that time, for a single registration they gave about a dollar, and without conditions such as ""effective registration"" or ""active player"", which are in use today. Gave a couple of rubles - got a dollar. Profitable, isn't it? Any affiliate marketer would envy the percentage of profit back then :).

My point is that many people, even if they were earning money from clicks, were thinking about switching to CPA. It's cool. It's popular. It's really profitable. Today I'm going to talk about my little experience in this area. In general, I have always preferred portals, their development and a full-fledged place in a niche, but to reach a huge scale, to create a community and gain users' trust, which is not that easy, so lately I began to realize that I need a lot of money to go the way I have planned. And I was leaning, of course, towards CPA, since making websites and promoting them is what I like to do, and what I really do.

Luckily, due to the fact that I light up with new ideas quite quickly and I am impulsive, I have several additional projects that are in what I call stagnation. One of them is about medicine. This site gets about 2,500 hits, and 70% of them are from just two searches. The audience that comes to the site for these queries is not exactly trivial and... inclined to buy a variety of products. No, they are not sick; their illness is not the end of life, and buying these products is more a desire to stand out, to feel good about themselves. I will not give examples of these queries (the site for these queries in the top), because I still want to make a profit. Yes, and the more the better.

I work with Actionpay. Here is the statistics:

Earnings come almost from one query, which gives about 1500 traffic per day (the other query gives profit, but not on such a consistent basis). Many may be puzzled by this strange ratio of clicks to orders: how 300 people can the interested in the product, but only 3-4 of them buy it? It's all about the content. I got to the TOP for a query that would have given many times more money if I had a specialized store selling these products. And I had an ordinary article. And an article that, by its very nature, does not even motivate the purchase, but describes folk methods of treating the problem. Somewhere in there, quite unremarkably, some kind of miracle cure is mentioned - people are interested, people click, but only a few buy. No banners, no linking - it's just an ordinary article with a link highlighted by the <b> tag. Why not create a flared landing page? Well, to do that, I'd have to completely redesign it - including the content that I think put me in the TOP, beating the monsters of the market. If everything collapses, I'll be left without this income, and that's kind of sad. Actually rather strange that this query X made it to the top almost without a single link, without any PF and social signals boosting in the beginning. Just once an update happened - and I'm in the TOP for about a year.

It is impossible not to think about CPA in this case, but I always thought that I could get the attendance of at least 15k, and then open a section, which is a store selling all sorts of stuff. But for the sake of experiment and curiosity, I put a link to the offer in an ordinary article and got a certain output. This is a very useful experience and the fact that by justifying the mentioning of the offerer in non-selling content, you can achieve some success.

20-30k rubles a month - it's not super figures, but imagine that one morning you wake up and remember that you have a site devoted to medicine, you suddenly start getting that money by spending 2 minutes on the advertising text. It's inspiring - as inspiring as Chris Martin playing keyboards. In general, I favor moderate promotion, so an extra 20-30k a month - this is a great opportunity to improve the positions of interest to me.

Let's talk directly about Why these guys?

Well, firstly, I liked the choice of offers. It's full of everything. Clothing, fortune-telling, medicine, home appliances - anything you can imagine.

Secondly, I was attracted by the absence of any requirements in the style of ""prove your power, earn 50k and we'll give you access to all of the offers. How can I earn them if I'm interested in them, but they are simply closed?

Thirdly, the support team here is very responsive. Initially, for a single order I was given 350 rubles, and now 440. Do you know why? Because the personal manager of himself contacted me and recommended another offer (essentially the same, but with different conditions). In general, the manager allocated to me was quite pleasant to talk to, you can discuss everything you want: even an unusual approach of Charles Bukowski to poetry or wandering his alter ego in another reality. ""The over-the-top poeticism about the stars and the moon, when it's out of place, is just utter nonsense,"" isn't it? ;)

And lastly, the low hold period. You know, in Adverstar, I hate the waiting period of 30 days. Here it is minimal: 3 days, 5 days, 7 days. It's nice to work with people who can pay you the money you earned without waiting 40 damn days.

It really is a real pleasure to work with them, so do not pass by these guys ;). I wish you good luck and all the best in cooperation with ActionPay.

Translated from the original

This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

I still don't understand why they gave you 25k for nothing?
January 19, 2015, 22:59 0
nevasya Answer
Not for nothing - he wrote several times - for waking up and remembering about the site.
August 31, 2022, 00:48 0

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