September 11, 2024
  • Profitability 10
  • Stability 9
  • Support 9
  • Quality of offers 10

I chose to register here for a few different reasons. First, a couple of my friends who have been working in this field for a couple of years longer than me said good things about Zeydoo and told me about several successful cases. Second, I've noticed that the guys often appear at conferences and there's always a crowd near their booth, which is a good sign. After running some tests, I can say that the offers are good and convert well, the CPL and SOI offers flow smoothly, payments are reliable and always on time, and the managers are loyal and competent. The only downside I noticed was at the beginning of the work, I couldn't recieve desired capping, and they kept adjusting the rates after quality control. But when I upped the volume, I was able to get the best possible terms while still hitting my ROI targets. My verdict? I'd say Zeydoo is definitely worth a look as a CPA network.

This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

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