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November 08, 2023 0 516

Nutra SS/Trial 2023: the experience of a nutra specialist from across the ocean

Hello, fellow nutra enthusiasts!

Did you know that the supplement/nutraceutical market in the US is three times larger in volume than American gambling? $165 billion in 2022, compared to $50 billion for gambling (link). In America, nutraceuticals are sold everywhere, at premium prices, and with professional marketing!

When it comes to nutraceuticals, us affiliate marketers, we associate it with call centers, ointments for intimate areas, old-school designs, and landing pages with smiling people from stock photos that haven't changed since 2013.

Leads, lead approvals, strange geos that you've only seen on a map. Online sales are transforming, changing just like any other business. Competition, trends, and society dictate new desires and approaches. But why have nutraceutical marketers been stuck in 2013? Why hasn't anything changed?

Supplements are not Nutra

For the past few years, I have been living in the US, dealing with supplements and nutra. I will explain below why I differentiate between supplements and nutra. I trade online, on the American Amazon and other platforms, even a little offline through local pharmacies and stores. In good months, we sell about 20,000 jars. But my approach is only white-hat. It was.

The niches are similar to affiliate marketing: weight loss, potency, beauty. My partner in the white-hat business has been in the game for a long time, an experienced guy. He loves to teach me: people will always want to have sex and be sexy, and to have sex, you have to be beautiful, so let's help them!

Thanks to my extensive time in the US, rubbing shoulders with Amazon sellers and shopify merchants, I have seen how people build their businesses with a white-hat approach. I call it — supplements. On Amazon and other platforms, dietary supplements are precisely called supplements. Noted!

Last year, I decided to figure out how to increase sales through the website because there were hardly any sales frankly. People would come from Amazon to my shoddy websites and sometimes buy something. The puzzle was how to sell jars that cost $20-25 on Amazon through my website to be less dependent on the marketplace.

Nutra is not supplements

Fortunately, I had experience pouring into white goods: we started experimenting with Zuckerberg, which was not successful. Everything poured crookedly, in the negative, got banned, and tears flowed into the pillow.

But thanks to this adventure, I stumbled upon an affiliate marketing scheme. I looked at similar landing pages with Keto Gummies, Gummies for the penis, mood, and other magic. This niche, as we call it — nutra.

I ask you to distinguish them, nutraceuticals are not supplements, and supplements are not nutraceuticals, a little play on words.

As Americans say — to make a long story short, a year later, I created ME/CBD and Keto offers, targeting the US, SS, and trials. I struggled with development, opening accounts, and a bunch of companies, testing various technical solutions and niches. This fun cost me — an apartment in the center of Kiev and a lot of nerves.

I have a video that needs to be turned into a GIF and an article

But my tears and a lot of work were not in vain. In the first month, we made a turnover of $300k, in the second $500k, and so on. Using traffic from various partnerships, buying + a little of my own.

Despite these decent results, I declare — nutraceutical SS/trial is dying.

Affiliate marketers, laziness, and crude approaches are beating my native approach with sticks, without a chance, like a dead horse. Unlike Supplements — $165 billion in 2022 and growing, again this link.

Then they shout that "it doesn't convert" and run further in search of an offer where they will be paid $20 more, but shave off 20% after the first days of the rain. What is EPC, never heard of it, is it some new AI?

Having experience as an affiliate marketer, nutraceutical marketing, and white-hat seller, I decided to share nutraceutical insights from across the ocean. I will only write about nutraceutical SS/trials because there is no COD here. Or rather, we tried to launch our COD affiliate programs in the US, and it was not successful.

Customers who buy nutraceuticals have a specific psychological type that you can sell to, deceive, or mislead them. Call it what you want. But I was on the street yesterday, and there are a lot of normal people! And they have the same problems as everyone else: they dream of losing weight, want something more in their pants, and to be a little more beautiful. How do we convert a broader audience?

Approaches, formulations, designs, and funnels are changing. But why not in nutraceuticals! Look at this story not from an affiliate marketing perspective but more broadly.

Look at the niche as a nutraceutical and as a supplement. Let's take the example of the US geo and do this exercise:

  1. Skip popular, inexpensive, "pharmacy" brands. Look for the vitamins supplements category with BSR (Best Seller Rank) under 10000, a price over $30, and with 300 reviews. Or search for keywords — Weight loss, Male Enhancement, etc. Pay attention to Phytage Labs, 1MD, Gundry MD, Colonbroom, Pure Man, etc. Then find out how they are sold outside of Amazon, pay attention to landing pages, funnels, and retargeting.

  1. Review articles. Google "brand" + review/compare. There will be plenty of SEO articles with "comparisons" of our miracle products. For example, here is the link. This way, you can peek at competitor brands where you can find approaches, landing pages, and funnels. Or here is the link

  1. Google. Find the giants of the niche and study them. For example, nutraceutical (and pharma) adult/ME, it's,, and so on. They have dozens of different landing pages, quizzes, and funnels. Here is the Hims report. These guys made a turnover of almost $200 million in Q1 and are aiming for $800 million+ by the end of the year, there is something to learn from them.

Landing pages: an overview

Nutras/supplements are additives, complexes that are added to the diet. Legally, in all countries of the world, this is not considered a medicinal product. But we, affiliate marketers, sell these vitamins as a means that will cure, increase, or, conversely, decrease. White-hat brands do the same, but they are five years ahead of us. So, sorcerers, let's take their approaches and play the game our way?

Here are the landing pages, pre-lands, and creatives that are used, probably all ss/trial nutra specialists. I'm sure those in the know will see something familiar and uploaded an identical land/pre-land the day before yesterday.

Why this happens? The standard story, stealing from each other in soldering, and not enough time and creativity to think of something new.

The same pre-land, which has been thoroughly plundered by everyone who has no shame.

Design from 2016, a form for ordering, text — it's difficult for a normal person to read without a smile. They press on complexes and problems, promise a quick solution to problems. But the scheme works, true. But why not approach it slightly differently?

The creative — the Everest of creativity, the golden branch. This gives a good CTR, but it's untrustworthy and misleading.

Or here. The majority of creatives, nothing interesting.

Those who pour nutra, you probably see them every other day for several years now. I disassembled these lands into blocks, text, approaches. Here's a link to one of the boards with a breakdown, for those interested (only for Mac, sorry). I do this regularly to give birth to something fresh for my offers.

Sources and metrics to strive for

Let's touch on the topic of sources a bit. To avoid making the article too long, let's talk only about Facebook. After all, the guys from the CIS love Facebook. Nutra SS/Trial rotate at Mark's platform, and these are supplement brands doing it. Enough traffic and different affiliate marketers have passed through me in the past six months to see the approaches and how FB converts to nutra.

Frequent situation: during the day, different partners/teams are launched, some with 100 clicks per 3-5 sales, others with nothing. When we look at the funnels for "nothing," my lip trembles, and I want to hug them. Why do you click buttons on your laptop and spend your time and money, brother? Maybe this is your drawing?

The strongest traffic for SS/Trial nutra comes from our bourgeois comrades: Americans, Canadians, and their partner networks. They understand how a keto trial or ME SS (male enhancement) should convert, or some skin cream. The funnels are more or less the same for all ads, and those who pour understand what to expect in the statistics from the penis pills in the BM Facebook.

In nutra SS/Trial, they are guided by EPC (earnings per click), the main indicator in the community. Some measure offers by CR, some by their quirks. Advertisers have long been accustomed to EPC. And Americans, Canadians, and our serious guys only look at that. Don't complicate things, EPC is the measure of everything, it's easier. Nutra in the USA is sometimes CPM of $20-30 and a click cost of two liters of 98 gasoline. You need to approach with intelligence!

If you do everything more or less correctly, the EPC should be $2, then you won't stick. You need to look for an approach/offer with an EPC of 3-4+, that will be good, but maybe you should strive for an EPC of $6-10, then there will be smiles and a ringing of coins.


There is such a thing as GEPC — Guaranteed EPC. 90% of nutraceuticals haven't even heard of it. What, Geps? AI again? But there's not much on Google either, here's a link I found. When strong sorcerers come and want to pour my offer, they or I can offer to pour it on GEPC. This will protect the affiliate marketer from losing money on the pour.

For example, last week we agreed with the strong men of this world on 5000 clicks (clicks specifically on my land, not on their pre-lands) at a GEPC of $6. We have already worked, they know my offer, and I know their traffic. In other words, if the EPC is less than $6, I give them the difference. In simple terms: I pay them $160 per sale, with 100 clicks we want to see almost 4 (3.75) sales. According to GEPC, I owe them $30,000 for these 5000 clicks, they owe me at least 187.5 sales. If sales are 150, I still owe them $30,000, if sales are higher, I pay the remaining amount on a CPA basis. For me, as an advertiser, it's a headache where to get traffic, and for an affiliate marketer, it's peace of mind. But this only works when there are some relationships or mutual confidence.

I can't help but remember other top sources for SS/Trial nutra that the CIS guys don't really understand:

  • Native ads
  • Google/Bing
  • SEO, review articles
  • Adult networks

They are ranked from best to worst, in my opinion. We will describe them in the next materials. You need to be able to work with something other than FB, when there's a storm there, there may be calm here and vice versa. Google offers that you pour with American proxies, study porn sites (for work purposes), and you will find a lot of interesting things.

Facebook, the white-hat approach

Above, we looked a little at how the sorcerers rotate nutra on FB. But since we've already touched on the white-hat, let's take a closer look at some big brands, like Hims and Skinnyfit for weight loss and my favorite AG1. What funnels do they use, what creatives? This information is for your thinking process, to take ideas and approaches and transfer them to nutra. Find a bunch of similar brands and analyze them too.

The white approach can also be learned because it is focused on customer satisfaction and long LTV (lifetime value). Supplement brands don't make money from the first order, and they need to convert the buyer again and again for the economics to stick. Cabinets don't ban them, so you can fuss with the approach and optimize the companies. That's why they work on funnels, designs, and creatives so carefully. Nutra ads are also aimed at selling more than once; this is called re-billing. But our approach is brazen and black. In nutra, we mostly don't care what the customer thinks of us; we hit them between the eyebrows. Maybe I'll describe these processes in another article. Let's go back to the white-hat.

Many ads, don't spend a lot of time searching.

Hims loves a funnel through a quiz. Partners who pour my offers also use quizzes in pre-lands, by the way, it works. Quizzes attract buyers, questions can press on pain points.

Hims is a brand for boys. It's visible, it has cool approaches, designs, and funnels. It's pharma, not supplements, but you can take ideas.

Second for girls, Skinnyfit. This is an Amazon brand that has moved into online sales; it's not that big, and you probably haven't even heard of it. They focus on weight loss, have superfoods, gummies, but the approach is almost identical to ours.

Thousands of ads are very easy to find in Edhertha or right in the FB library.

The landings are similar to Keto offers, but there are differences. You can steal.

The third is AG1, for everyone, it's a superfood, not even presented on Amazon, but very popular in the USA. Again, go to the spies or their sites and let their advertising drive you, it's also a useful exercise.

They have cool funnels, designs. It looks trustworthy, the buyer from 23 is used to this, especially an American. These brands have invested a lot in branding, marketing.

I asked friends/colleagues from our niche to give their comments on my favorite, nutra ss/trial. Let's read the opinions of smart people.



Look broader at nutra. Study white brands from similar niches. White-hat brands often invest millions of dollars in marketing campaigns, entire offices of Americans with years of experience come up with another lure for the buyer. I believe in the affiliate marketers from Kiev/Astana, our people rule! But let's borrow what works from these smart people and twist it to our liking. It's proven to work. I'll describe it in the next texts. Pour into the plus, value your time and money.

Who wants to pour into the plus or just discuss my favorite (nutra, of course),

Let's get to know each other, write and call! My Telegram is @ilovesddd

Peace to everyone!

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