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The crooks had no more arguments left, so they flipped!!! Which was worth proving!
September 28, 2022, 21:29 0
Until you provide at least some evidence! You are crooks! You can write off as much as you want with standard boilerplate answers! I'm waiting for proof that my conversions are frodrodovye or cheated! Do you people see how they are storming! There is no ransom! Then the conversions are already fake! Make up your mind! I don't even care about these two conversions! I'm just bursting with injustice! Can you imagine how many webmasters they screwed?!!! I'm wasting money! I'm wasting my time analyzing! Creatives! And so ... and these guys get traffic for free! And if they are not satisfied with the ransom, they simply ban them without explanation! A very convenient position! Without explanation, and without giving any reasoning just to ban them! Once again I repeat! I'm waiting for proof of fraud!
September 22, 2022, 16:00 0
People listen to this!!! Two orders Carl! 2 orders again! Don't you think it's funny?) And based on 2 orders you made an analysis of the traffic!!! I have no more words! Everything is clear with you! People once again! They are scammers! On the given quantity it is impossible to make a conclusion about the quality of traffic! It's clear and obvious to everyone! People now you understand that you have to keep your ear to the ground with these guys! Scammers!
September 20, 2022, 22:06 0
Well people have it all figured out! And I'm not a single proof or fact either! Cheaters, that's all! I write this with confidence! If I froze, I would do everything clearly! But I did not frodil traffic went from the teaser and orders also all went with it! Video screenshot of the spill, refill can provide! A you should at least argue their actions! Well, for example no for my orders phone number is in the spam database or blake list, the ip address themselves as well to check the spam database, domains, prefeks, obl, etc.. I think I'm fine with it! Your only argument is no response on orders! And that's just from your words! You can not back it up with anything! It's so anyone can be banned! drove traffic a man lid 100-200 and we do not like the ransom Ban you! Or some idiot starts talking nonsense on the phone! And you will consider it a suspicious action! And the person just so the account in the ban will fly away! That's normal... You must argue their actions, otherwise you are just a dull and not serious program that at any moment for any unknown reason without arguments sent to the ban! Spetsom write to the People Look carefully work with this NDP if you really decided to drive traffic on them! I'm still waiting for proof! And at least some arguments on the frod! Otherwise, I'm telling everybody once again that this guy is a crook!
September 19, 2022, 14:12 0
You can infinitely write that you have a forfeit, but it will not do anything! Standard boilerplate answers will not lead to anything! Proof is for example on the technical side of something wrong! Or maybe you just ordered and said so we were asked to do it? At least something! But keep in mind I will refute it all if you throw out some bullshit! You at least adequate and normal managers to type)) and then write the standard ridiculous excuses)) pretend that they have a serious office)) People who tell me you're a little ridiculous! You can at least write normally), not as a robot in a pattern)). It is clear that this is just not regulated, so they do what they want! I did not like the quality of traffic, but I do not like 2 requests! They're on a short leash with advertising! But they do not read webmasters! They are good and righteous at once! And webmasters are so shushura for you! I know you only dance to the revelers' tune and maybe the tops! And the rest is nothing to you! If you accuse them of fraud, be kind enough to provide something! Otherwise, your accusations are not worth a penny! If something was, long ago you would have described everything! But apparently for you this site is not quite serious and authoritative! Well, let's create themes on other fords! For example on Church and the like. I have nothing to hide! I am sure that the flow of high-quality traffic! And the fact that they do not respond or not redeemed, I am not responsible for it! It is clear that there still must be some specific parameters on the quality of traffic, but even in this case, you have to pay for webmasters! And then if the quality is not satisfied, just do not cooperate with the webmaster! This is how normal affiliate programs do it! Of course I described it all just figuratively, in fact a lot of factors on the quality of traffic for payment, it is already discussed individually. But in my case, it is impossible to assess the quality of traffic by 2 confirmed requests! It's bullshit to consider frod on 2 not redeemed orders and not responses! In quality of traffic I mean in vedu a ratio of redemption! And now you will turn everything upside down!
September 17, 2022, 16:11 0
Well, it's that simple! Provide information on the frod at least some! What you wrote above is complete nonsense! I am waiting for at least some information to prove on the frod! Show everyone that you are not crooks! I have provided you with information on the spill! You have not given me any information! You're just common crooks! I am waiting and everyone is waiting!
September 17, 2022, 15:52 0
Administration of the site affiliatekin! I recommend that you mark this affiliate as fraudulent or dubious! It's straight 100% as I had real traffic and I didn't frodil! Otherwise I would not be here right now!
September 16, 2022, 17:58 0
You people saw everything with your own eyes!!! These are the real crooks! They don't have any proof that I'm a fraud! Standard boilerplate excuses!!! I don't give a damn about your 2,000 rubles! You can keep their bombs! You can't even provide any proof that I'm a fraud! Because you've got nothing else besides the fact that you didn't buy them back and answer them! And how can you make a picture of the traffic based on 2 leads!
September 16, 2022, 17:55 0
Don't you even care about anything? People will watch my comments! And what you wrote above is just ridiculous! People will draw conclusions! What you wrote this is a complete shame! I'm waiting for proof of fraud! Drop something so that people will understand that I'm a fake! Don't be mean to me. If you value your reputation in any way! Don't fall for their standard boilerplate excuses! It's all bullshit! Do not drive traffic on them! They will not pay you if they do not arrange the buyback! Payouts you will not see like your ears!
September 15, 2022, 22:10 0
If I was not sure I would not have written because of these two applications!) But it is a matter of principle! I do not like it when they do that! Not enough so profits are not bad! So even dump webmasters without reason!
September 15, 2022, 21:59 0