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Hello. No one was going to steal your 100 units or a few leads deyli. Proof of a second account, we are not obliged to provide, because it can be used by foragers. As we have already told you, we have no mechanism for shaving, all leads come with a postback from the advertiser. Your second account ID 4901 was registered with us on 12/23/2016 and banned on 04/27 2019, maybe that's why you can't remember it. If the system immediately recognized your account as a multi-account, we would have banned you immediately, because it is unclear why register again if the last time you also do not like us. Make a note somewhere in your future, that we should not register and do not waste your and our time.
July 08, 2021, 13:53 0
You say "there were no active accounts" because you created new accounts after deactivating the offers and reducing the rate on the offers on the old accounts, all because of the fact that your traffic is of low quality. A total of 3 accounts were detected for you at the moment, which had incorrect personal data to bypass the ban on multi-accounts (id69135, id69464, id51130). We have dealt with the situation on our end. Of course, we didn't handle the outcome in your favor and you didn't like it. Why didn't you say that we paid you what you earned, although you could have been banned without paying, and that would have been fair.
May 14, 2021, 15:53 0