October 13 0 71

How Pieter Levels Earns Over $210,000 Monthly from His Laptop — All By Himself

Forget Silicon Valley. The future of entrepreneurship is being built on laptops, on beaches, in bustling cafes, and wherever there's Wi-Fi.

And Pieter Levels is leading the way, showing us how to build businesses that fit our lives, not the other way around.

Pieter Levels

In this article, we'll uncover the secrets behind his massive Twitter following, his multiple six-figure businesses, and the wisdom he's been sharing since 2014.

The man, the myth, the legend

Pieter's journey is nothing short of legendary. He's not only gained over 500K followers on Twitter but has also launched several startups that you might have heard of:

And the most shocking part? He's done all this solo. Well, almost. He did get some help setting up AI models for Photo AI, but aside from that, it's all Pieter.

“For Photo AI, I did hire an AI dev for a bit to help set up AI models on GPU servers, but everything else is all me.” — Pieter Levels

He’s visited over 40 countries and 150 cities, from Korea to Brazil, all without ever working a traditional 9-to-5 job. Ever.

We took a deep dive into his world, sorting through an incredible 126.8K tweets to discover:

  • How he built such a massive Twitter following;
  • The secrets behind his multiple six-figure businesses;
  • The valuable insights he’s been sharing since 2014.

Here's what we’ve found about how Pieter uses Twitter for growth:

Pattern #1: Constant interaction and problem-solving

Pieter uses Twitter not just as a platform but as a dynamic conversation space. He's always there, responding, engaging, and yes, fixing bugs:

  • Engagement: He asks followers about everything from their work setups to sharing butter cake recipes, making his feed lively and relatable.

Screenshot of the comments under this tweet

Actually, he's so involved in these conversations and fixing bugs that he even created a website called "Ideas + Bugs" just for that purpose.

  • Promotion: He cleverly uses Twitter to promote his businesses, like when he asked followers to retweet a post about one of his ventures, which garnered 8.7K retweets. This wasn't just a tweet; it was marketing genius:

  • It engaged his community.
  • It was innovative, sparking copycats.
  • It totally fit his brand of being honest and independent.
  • It used eye-catching visuals.
  • And most importantly, it worked.

Pieter's approach is simple yet effective: keep the conversation going, be genuinely helpful, and occasionally, throw in something unexpected to keep things fresh. This not only boosts engagement but also builds a community around his brand, turning followers into customers without them even realizing it.

Pieter Levels is playing the game on a different level, and from what we've seen, he's winning.

Pattern #2: Pieter's radical transparency

Pieter doesn't just share; he lays everything bare. His Twitter bio proudly displays his monthly revenue, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. He dives deep into the nitty-gritty of his business operations:

  • He discusses adding features like facial recognition to Nomad List, making his followers feel like they're part of the decision-making process;

  • He's open about the tech he uses, the profits from merchandise like hoodies, and even daily sales figures for projects like avatarai.me;
  • A while back, he even broke down his monthly business expenses for all to see.

This level of openness isn't just about being honest; it's strategic. It builds trust, establishes his authority, and serves as exceptional marketing. When Pieter talks, people listen because they know he's not hiding anything.

Pattern #3: Pieter creates content that moves you

Forget the clichéd one-liners that flood your feed. Pieter's content stands out because it's raw, real, and often, quite provocative:

  • He shared a tweet challenging the conventional wisdom on work-life balance, offering a personal take that resonates with many;

  • His demo video with an "AI therapist" wasn't just content; it was a performance, showcasing his innovative spirit;
  • Memes? Pieter's got them, like his take on Airbnb, which not only entertains but also aligns with his brand, gathering over a million views.

His transparency extends to sharing the highs and lows, like a graph of his revenue dip during Covid, making his journey relatable and engaging.

Pattern #4: Pieter doesn't shy away from controversy

Pieter has opinions, and he's not afraid to share them, often stirring the pot:

  • Back in 2014, he sparked debate by claiming automation was eating up jobs in the US, a view that invites discussion and disagreement;
  • He's critiqued the "guru" culture in a way that many find refreshing or contentious, depending on where you stand;

  • Then there are his out-of-the-box ideas, like suggesting parachutes for planes, which might seem whimsical but get people talking.

Whether you agree or disagree with him, Pieter's content forces you to engage, to think, and to react. His willingness to stand firm in his beliefs not only fuels discussions but also ensures his tweets are never just background noise. They demand attention, driving engagement and, consequently, visibility for his brand.

Pattern #5: Pieter isn't afraid to seek assistance

Pieter knows the power of community. By asking for help:

  • He gathers diverse perspectives and data;
  • It sparks conversations and gets people talking;
  • It creates buzz around his projects.

For example, when he ran a poll for book subtitle suggestions, it wasn't just about getting ideas; it was about involving his audience.

But not all his requests for help are for show. He genuinely reaches out when he's stuck, like when he needed assistance with Cloudflare or Stripe, where even the CTO of Stripe chimed in, turning it into a PR win for Pieter.

Pattern #6: Pieter's humor shines through

Pieter's Twitter feed is peppered with humor that makes him not just a businessman but a person you'd want to know:

  • His take on Bali or a fake Starbucks are not just funny; they're shareable content that shows his lighter side;

  • His humor adds layers to his online persona, making him more than just a tech entrepreneur.

Pattern #7: Celebrating the achievements of others

One of Pieter's most admirable traits is his enthusiasm for others' successes:

  • He shares inspiring stories like the one about a Brazilian who travels the world, which fits perfectly with his own beliefs about living freely and embracing new ideas;

  • He often directs traffic to other services or tools, like YouForm, simply by mentioning them;

  • When he encourages people to become "Indie Makers" and earn their own living, he's not just cheering others on. He's also creating a ton of chances for his followers to connect and build relationships with each other.

Takeaways from Pieter's approach

Pieter's journey isn't just about his coding prowess or entrepreneurial spirit; it's about his decade-long commitment to:

  • Engagement: He talks with his audience, not at them, fostering a community rather than just a following;
  • Transparency: While you might not share every detail like Pieter, showing your struggles and successes builds genuine connections;
  • Content creation: Go beyond the generic. Create content that provokes thought or emotion, making you memorable;
  • Conviction: Stand firm on your beliefs. Disagreement is part of the discourse, and it's okay;
  • Humility: Even at the top, Pieter asks for help, showing there's always room to learn;
  • Humor: Sharing laughs can humanize you, making your online presence more approachable;
  • Support: Highlighting others' achievements can come back to benefit you in unexpected ways.

Here’s a simpler way to express Pieter's formula for success:

Spend time improving your skills, earn and keep the trust of your audience, and regularly introduce new ideas.

By understanding and applying Pieter's seven key principles — anyone can build a strong online presence and attract a loyal following.

So go out there and conquer the digital world! May your Wi-Fi be strong and your coffee always be hot.

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