White Label


White label affiliate programs work super smoothly by allowing their affiliates to install a widget or transform their own affiliate website into a complete copy, or a semi-copy, of the original product. so, while the affiliate’s website looks different, they are actually redirecting users to the original company’s website.

15 Best White Label Affiliate Programs and Networks [2025]

Many of us go about our shopping experience online and we think that every single product we face has been produced by various companies. However, sometimes these products are originally created by the same company, and labeled by all the various companies. These products shape our experience without us even knowing that they were created by one company. This labeling action, and making the product seem like the original product of the company you are looking at, is called white labeling.

Now, you might be asking, well isn’t that wrong to do? The answer is that it is not. Most of the time, the original company will sell its main service or product to all these different companies for them to label. This means that they actually don’t have any problem with it, and they earn a lot of profit with it. It seems kind of like investing in another company.

Now you might have another question. Where do affiliates come in this entire scheme? This is the exact question we want to answer in this article. Plus, we will talk about white label affiliate programs, what they are, and how you can benefit from them to earn money.

What Are White Label Affiliate Programs and Networks

When we talk about white label affiliate programs and networks, several things come to mind:

  1. A business that provides white label solutions and services to other companies and brands, which is now looking for affiliates to expand its audience and market.
  2. A business that provides a white label solution and service to its affiliates so they can promote their product through the website or social media platform of their affiliates. This way, when a user utilizes the service or product posted by the affiliate, originally created by the affiliate program, they are using the affiliate program’s service on the backend, and the affiliate earns a commission from this.

In this article, we will be covering both of these types of white label affiliate programs. The only thing that you need to know is that they work exactly like a normal affiliate program, in which you redirect the user to use a product or service, and you earn a commission. Simple as that.

White label affiliate programs each have their own terms and conditions by which they pay you, but most of the time you will be advertising a solution or a service. In later sections, we will be discussing how you can get paid as an affiliate working with white label affiliate programs.

How Do They Work

White label affiliate programs work super smoothly by allowing their affiliates to install a widget or transform their own affiliate website into a complete copy, or a semi-copy, of the original product. so, while the affiliate’s website looks different, they are actually redirecting users to the original company’s website.

Sometimes, the user might just stay on the affiliate's website, and have their services performed by the original company on the back end. This way, the user doesn't really know much about this, and simply uses the original service. For example, take a look at the website below which redirects users to Grammarly's main website. While this is not exactly labeling, the website is using the same service as Grammarly, while actually making its money from the affiliate program, not the usage of its own site.

So, as you can see, when we click on the button in the picture, we get redirected to Grammarly, and then their subscription page.

The third way is if the user just puts a widget on their own website that allows users to use the service from the original website and get redirected there through the widget. Then, the affiliate ends up with the commission. Finally, we can see some other white label affiliate programs that allow affiliates to post about the white label product itself and get customers for it.

What Can You Promote

Speaking of what you can promote in this niche, there are actually many different factors and scenarios in which you can promote white label programs. These products and services depend on your niche, first of all. Secondly, they depend on the type of white label program. So, the number of products is infinite, and you only have to choose one within your own niche. Most of the time, the white label programs are digital and they don't have any physical associated with them. However, in some cases, you might sell white label physical products.

Mostly, you can promote anywhere from hosting services to SEO solutions, etc. The main thing is for you to place a widget or a copy of the service on your website That users can utilize. On our list, you can see various affiliate programs with various products and different niches. Some of them are related to AI, others are related to chocolate color and there are a few related to hosting services or financial services. So now that you know what you can expect, go on and explore the options based on your own niche.

Payment Models in White Label Affiliate Programs

Now that we know what white label affiliate programs are, you need to check the payment models available in these programs. These payment models are ones by which the affiliate program chooses to pay you for your contributions to their audience size. Here are a few common payment models.

Revenue Share

The most common method for paying affiliates and white label affiliate programs is revenue share. In this method, the affiliate program gives you a percentage of the order size. So whenever somebody shops for something or subscribes to a plan, you will get a one time or a recurring percentage of the value of that order. In the physical product programs, you will mostly see this model. However, on digital ones, you can see some other ones as well besides revenue share. Usually, revenue share can be anywhere from 1% to 50% depending on the product and the brand recognition.

Cost per Sale

The cost per sale is the second most common payment model in white label programs. In this model, you won't get a percentage of the value of the product or service, but a flat rate. So for example, when a customer completes a sale referred by you, you will earn a single amount dedicated from the beginning by the affiliate program in their terms and conditions. For example, you can get $10 for having a user complete a purchase. This is absolutely irrelevant to the value of the product and it is just a solid flat rate.

Cost per Lead

The third most common payment model in these programs is the cost per lead model. In this model, the free program pays you by the number of leads you generated for their website. This means that if you bring a customer to them that completes an action, enters their email, or gets a free trial of their service, you will get a flat rate because you just generated a lead for the business. A lead is a customer who has contacted the affiliate program.

How to Choose a White Label Affiliate Program

Now we know some of the basics about white label affiliate programs. But there are various white label programs out there, and even if you wanted to, you couldn't work with all of them. In this situation, it's better to find the best white label affiliate program and stick to that one. Here are some factors that can help you choose a white label affiliate program.

Niche and Category

First and foremost, you should aim for the white label affiliate program that matches your niche. Of course, you can start out in various niches, but that would not provide you with the success you expect. So it's better to start out with one niche, and then move out to other ones. For example, if you don't know much about web hosting, it's better not to get into that niche just because it pays higher.

Commission Rate

The next factor is the commission rate. This factor states that the higher the commission that the program offers you, the better. Of course, if the commission is higher, you get a higher amount of money as a percentage of the product value. Plus, if there is a flat rate, the higher it is the better. You need to keep in mind that a high commission doesn't always mean a better program because their products might be too hard to sell or they might not be a recognized brand. So it's important to take all aspects in mind before getting attracted to the program's commission rate.

Cookie Duration

Cookies matter a lot especially in white label programs because they help save the user data and track their activity on the affiliate programs website. This way, the affiliate program can know how much to pay you and how much commission you've earned. So for example, if a user returns after 30 days to purchase a product they were first referred to by you 30 days ago, with a cookie duration of 30 days, you will still get a commission. So as it shows, the longer the cookie duration the better. It only means that you have more chances of having users complete successful purchases.

Affiliate Support

Affiliate support matters too especially if you are a beginner. You might have a lot of questions about marketing or technical aspects of the job. Without responsive affiliate support, you cannot get the white label products implemented successfully on your website. However, a good support team can guide you and give you resources on completing your tasks. They can even give you tips and suggestions on increasing your income. Sometimes affiliate support teams are available through email, and some other times they are available through a live chat. Obviously, the more accessible they are, the better.

Brand Recognition

After all, the brand needs to be recognized and reputable as well. You shouldn't just waste your affiliate identity for a poor brand. It should be a strong brand with happy customers for you to promote it. To understand whether an affiliate program is recognized and has good products or services, you can do a quick Google search and read some reviews about them by average users. If the brand isn't a good one but they pay a High Commission, it's better not to work with them, so you wouldn't ruin your own affiliate identity and all your efforts. Plus, users look up to you, so it's wrong to make them disappointed in your promotions.

Affiliate Tracking Tool

Affiliate programs usually provide an affiliate tracking tool that allows you to track your detailed activity. This includes all the sales and clicks that your referrals do. Some of these tools allow you to see very basic numbers about your collections and commissions for the same day, and some others allow you to see more detailed information. Some of them provide you with various abilities upon seeing your analytics, such as automation and downloading and exporting reports. So depending on the type of analytics you need, you can aim for the best program.

Average Order Value

We won't be dealing with physical products that much here, but we will definitely talk about the price of these subscriptions or services users can purchase in white label affiliate programs. The price of the subscription definitely has an effect on how much money you earn. No matter how high the Commission is, if the average order value is low, you will still get paid a low amount. And if the average order value is high, we can get a high amount of Commission. So, if you are aiming for subscription services, make sure they're not too cheap and too hard to promote.

Marketing Materials and Resources

Different affiliate programs give different marketing materials and resources to their affiliates to simplify the process of marketing for them. They can give them various widgets, templates, designs, visuals, banners, and custom links. All of these are provided to affiliates for free, and you can use them to build your promotional channels.

Promos and Discount Codes

Promotions and discount codes are great ways to incentivize an audience and attract them to the products and services of an affiliate program. Some affiliate programs will provide you with the ability to create your own discount codes specifically for your own audience. Some others might send you regular promotions and deals on a weekly, monthly, or seasonal basis. You should try to aim for programs that give your audience a reason to give them a try.

Top Traffic Sources for Promoting White Label Affiliate Programs

Now let me know how to choose a white label affiliate program, and we know how they work, it's time to learn more about promoting them and getting to some action. If you're wondering how you can promote these programs, here are some traffic sources that can act as top sources for promoting white label affiliate programs.

Social Media

Nothing can capture the effect of promoting a white paper program as well as social media. Social media shows users the service or product as it is without referring to the creator of it or anything else. That's how, with the right editing and creatives, you can get lots of people to your social media content. One of the best ways for you to promote white label affiliate programs is through social media posts about what the label business is all about. You can post about how you use it, put some tutorials on your usage, and teach people how they can benefit from the white label business to start their own activities.

Now, many of these white label affiliate programs that you're promoting will provide business solutions to various people. In that case, one of your incentivization methods could be to tell people that the product can help them make money.

Another thing you can do so you can build an entire social media page around that one specific white label affiliate program with their one specific product or service. The whole page can be about the business but in your own words. This way, it seems that it's you talking about the business you own rather than someone else's business.

The great thing about social media is that it allows you to stand in front of millions of people without paying a single penny, only if you follow the right rules for social media promotion, such as benefiting from hashtags, trends, etc.

Video Content Creation

Video creation is also another great method for promoting white label programs. the same way that you promote these offers on social media, you can create videos and share them with platforms like TikTok and YouTube. On these platforms, many people are looking for ways to make money, so if your niche is related to white label businesses that allow people to make money, make sure to talk about it. You can even create an influencer page and review white label products, basically letting people know that they can purchase those products or services, while you would earn a commission.

Platforms like YouTube and TikTok are great because they put you in front of thousands and millions of people in a span of seconds. So let's say, if your video content is good, you can actually get up to 1,000,000 of use without even ever having any activity on these platforms. That is how their algorithm works, showing people what they would be most interested in.

Fortunately, nowadays, almost everybody is interested in white label products and transforming other companies' products into their own branding. So, if you are active in that niche, you can definitely create video content and share them. Of course, if you work in any other niche you can also benefit from videos.


Affiliate websites are great sources of traffic across various niches. In this case, especially, we can see that many white people programs ask you to put their widgets on your website or implement their features on your website so they can drive traffic through your website. So in that case, social media wouldn't really be that effective in driving traffic. So what you need to do is to write lots of content on your website and use the widget so it's completely SEO optimized and ready to get shared with lots of people.

Below, you can see a traveling white label affiliate website, driving traffic to the main program. As you can see, users can input their destinations and details.

Then, when the user sees their favorite flight and clicks on the purchase button to get the ticket, they will be redirected to the partner’s website, as you can see below.

All the results of the flights and tickets were implemented on the backend of the affiliate site. So, while users could see all the timetables for flights, they had to purchase them on the partner’s website, gaining the affiliate a commission. Plus, below you can see how they promote the flights on social media.

If you don't know how to create a white label affiliate website, you can always ask for help from the affiliate program support team. Well in many cases, they cannot actually help you implement their codes onto your website, you can always ask them for guidance and various steps of the process.

If the affiliate program is asking you to promote a white label product, you can simply write your reviews of them and post them on your website. However, in that case, website content wouldn't be as effective as social media or video content. That is, especially if the product is a physical one.

You should keep in mind though, that creating a website it's a lot of hassle, and takes a lot of time. It also takes great effort to make it reach organic traffic that can actually make you money. So if you're going with websites, you should have lots of patience and dedication to become successful, as there are many different competitors out there.

Paid Ads

If all the other methods and traffic sources were not helpful, you can always opt in for paid ads. They put your content in front of hundreds of thousands of people immediately. Plus these ads are tailored to suit the needs of the audience on that platform. So for example, if you're using Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Instagram Ads, etc., based on the platform of choice, the algorithm for showing people your ads is different. However, regarding Meta, you actually get lots of insight into your audience before you even write your ad campaign, and you can even set objectives.

On top of all of these, the affiliate program might actually give you some creatives and already ads for you to post. These materials are proven to convert users, so you can use them without any hassle. This means that if you don't know how to design or write an attractive copy, you can always use the materials provided by the white label programs.

Regarding paid ads, you need to keep in mind that they cannot redirect directly to the affiliate programs website, but to your own website. So if you're running ads, you should make users come to your website first, and from there, you can redirect them to the affiliate program's website using the widgets and the materials they provided you with.

Forums and Communities

Forums and communities are also great places to share white label products especially if you have a certain service or solution that can help a forum or community. Reddit and Quora are great places to start, but you can move to other forms as well just by searching on Google for forms of communities in your own niche. In that case, you can find various people who would be interested in the white label products you have to promote. About forms and communities though, remember that they do not like spamming, and you might actually get suspended. So before you post your affiliate programs or links to your own website where users can see the affiliate program, make sure you gain some karma or points on that forum.

You can benefit from various landing pages and pre-landing pages to promote these types of content easily by referring people to the thing they might need the most, instead of landing on a random page they don’t know what to do with.

Tips for Successfully Promoting White Label Affiliate Offers

Now that we've seen almost everything about white label affiliate programs, let's see some tips and tricks to successfully maximize your earnings while promoting white label affiliate offers.

Target the Right Audience

First of all, make sure you target the right audience. Don't target different audiences from different niches, and don't mix your own audience by posting about different things from various niches. If you're talking about web hosting services to your audience, then understand that your audience is definitely developers or companies. In this case, what we mean is that this might not really be something that interests the most. However, content about pets or applying widgets to websites where you can see more about pet food will actually interest moms.

Use Proven Creatives

Now, it's not really good to just go on by intuition and see what works. It's important to follow certain creatives and proven methods to get the traffic you need. When we pay for ads or run content on social media, we are not just uploading them to experiment, because that's someone else's job. We mostly just look for the best creatives that will get more people clicking on our link and purchasing something. So if you want your video content to go viral or attract many people, make sure you follow the creatives that big brands use. In order to learn more about these creatives, you can always browse through famous brands and their creatives and basically just copy them.

Creatives are not hard to come by, and many different white label affiliate programs provide you with their own set of proven creatives. Creatives are not only for videos or visual content but also for text. Whenever you see an attractive text and you want to click on it, you should know that there is a creative behind that.

You can also look for white label products on platforms like TikTok and YouTube and find what creatives work for other affiliates and resellers. Plus, you can use Ads spy tools to achieve that goal.

Benefit from Hashtags and Trends

Getting the attention you need from social media might not be that easy if you are just advertising and promoting yourself. That way, your content will not get any attention, and you don't want that as an affiliate. So in order to get lots of attention and commissions, you need to benefit from hashtags and trends.

There are several great ways to be in the know of hashtags and trends. The first one is through searching for trends on Google Trends or explodingtopics.com. You could also use songs and effects on TikTok or YouTube shorts to get some more attention and traffic. When people look at the actual videos when browsing through videos made using a song on TikTok.

Another way is to use third-party applications and services to tell you which hashtags are currently booming. Of course, you don't have to actually make content about those hashtags. You can just allow more people to see you by adding the same hashtag to your posts.

Target the Right Keywords

Finally, you need to target the right keywords for attracting organic traffic. It might take a long time for your organic traffic to start kicking in and give you several hundred visitors a day, but until then, it is a great method for attracting users looking for products in a certain category. If you look for keywords with the lowest difficulty volumes, you can find some keywords related to your niche and the white label program that you’re promoting.

A great place to get the right keywords could be Google itself and after that, other third party applications, like SEMRush, etc.

For white label affiliate programs, you need to make it seem like the customers are purchasing the product itself and not from you as a customer. Therefore, you should use the keywords in a very subtle way in the text around the widget/promotion or the blog posts, so only the search engines can index them. These texts don't have to be noticeable to the public, so the way that you put in those keywords matters a lot. Through keyword research, you can gain lots of insight into your affiliate site’s potential for ranking in different keywords.


White label affiliate programs are great sources of passive income and offer a great strategy to earn money, just like dropshipping affiliate programs. You can check for other affiliate programs and affiliate networks to find the best one for your niche and activities. If you want to promote products that you think are top-notch and your followers would love a lot, you can start right away with these programs. Some of them don't have any limitations in place, and some others do. Anyhow, you can place these white label solutions and products on your website or social media and refer people to that program. This way, you will earn a Commission, and the customer will receive a brand new and unique product.

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