To start with, let’s shed some light on the definitions. So, ‘farming’ means building the history of AdWords account from the registration to the first spent budgets. ‘Growing’ the account is a significant thing, while it provides people with trust and makes the process of moderation way too easier.
The core idea here is to use the AdWords account as a personal one. In this article, we are going to walk you through the whole process of farming the AdWords account.
There are several meaningful regulations that you need to follow before starting the actual farming. Here are they:
After completing the steps above, you are ready to register your main Gmail account.
Remember: you should tape all the data manually, otherwise it will be suspicious.
You need to indicate your other email account (which we were talking about earlier) as a backup account.
The new account has to pass the rite of passage exactly like the previous one — with the history of surfing, logging in, and uploading.
After this, the AdWords website can finally come into play. Your account should be registered here. Little notice one more time: all the data should be typed manually by yourself.
40% of AdWord accounts will be banned during the farming process.
Now let’s turn to farming itself:
Basically, those are the farming rules. Farming takes time and patience, besides you should follow the instructions not to get banned. The new account should be trustable, so you have to use proxies and anti detect browsers. We wish you profit and good farming.