General information

Launch year: 2019
Official website:

The official affiliate program, which represents the three largest offers - Pokerdom (geo: RU, KZ, AZ, UZ), licensed Ukrainian casino - Joker and Zaza Casino (geo: CA)

Gagarin Partners is an individual approach to each webmaster. Working with the partner, you get favorable terms of cooperation, high stakes, weekly payments without delays, and any questions can be solved with a personal manager.

In addition, Gagarin Partners regularly spoils its webmasters with cool drawings and gives great prizes.




  • Profitability
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  • Reliability
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Affiliate program representative

Gagarin Partners reviews

October 01, 2022
  • Profitability 8
  • Support 8
  • Reliability 8
  • Promotional materials 8

Despite not the easiest of times in our business, affiliate program is pulling out. Many have stopped paying, but in this respect everything is okay with Gagarin, thank you very much that all earned reaches me in full. I can't help but notice, as the issue is topical.

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This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

July 09, 2022
  • Profitability 9
  • Support 10
  • Reliability 10
  • Promotional materials 9

Well, I'll start with the fact that in order to write a good review, I think you need to have a lot of experience with the affiliate program. I can not say that I am a mastodon in this respect, but a certain amount of work is available. In genersl, I have a lot to say!

I became acquainted with this affiliate program in summer of 2020 due to the recommendation of my good friend. At that time I had much less experience in gambling/betting and I've tried to work with the cheapest traffic (but still with high quality) and GEO Gagarin satisfied me. Due to the fact that I worked with relatively cheap traffic at first I was worried that they might shave me or not pay me at all and even think of something just to cheat a solo bayer. All my worries were in vain, a great manager Vita was always in touch (till now we still maintain a good relationship) and soon I received my first payment. After checking the traffic, all payments started to come in normal mode and I was happy to continue.

There was one thing that could influence my opinion about this affiliate program strongly, when I check my traffic I was asked to stop for some time not to add some quality traffic, but I couldn't stop ALL the traffic, some of it was organic and so the leads kept coming in and they cannot be stopped) By the way, the first big profits came from, there was a motivation to improve and widen.) So, I did not manage to stop the traffic completely, so it remained to hope that I will not be severely scolded for it. What happened is this: I was not deprived of payment and paid most of it (in fact, it was my fault, they could not pay most of it at all), so the rest, which is doubtful recoupedsb paid at a reduced rate. (But in this case, you can understand the affiliate program) I was not upset too much because ROI were huge, compared to how much I had invested, I got superb numbers at that time in a short period of time. Literally, just look at the weekly statistics, and for a beginner barer in gambling - it's pretty cool. (screenshots are attached). It's difficult to tell you about stable numbers because at that time I've had already changed the vertical, but judging by the month, I drove there more than 500k + - especially without any serious experience)

Next, if we continue about the pluses for the beginner: unrealistically simple interface just for new eyes. No unnecessary noise, everything is very simple and clear. Of course, perhaps it's also a small disadvantage for a more experienced barer, because sometimes there is trivial lack of numbers and specifics in the statistics, but, again, for a beginner - it's top. Moreover, you can always write to the manager and ask for more detailed statistics (I am connected to the panel by the way), by the way, I recommend doing it to everyone!

By the way, I recommend everyone to do it in their offices as well.

I will try to give my impressions about G.P. in terms of products, branding. They've done a brand redesign as of late and maybe it's not that big of a deal to work with, but it's nice to see how they treat their brand aesthetics. You work with them and you realize you're working with a big, serious company. Maybe it's just a personal touch, a style, but isn't that what a successful affiliate should look like? That's what I think, too. (Have you ever been in the corner of on any convention?)) I recommend you seing that, it's a delight for the eyes).

Now about the downsides: yes, they are some, like everywhere else, but we will make the best of it.

1) as I have already mentioned, there is not that much statistics, but for beginners it's very easy to master
2) when I've worked there, there were a few GEO (and now in general the focus is on the CIS), but! maybe I'm optimistic, but I say what I think: in this way affiliate manages focus on a certain number of products and do not get into unexplored wilderness just to master everything undeveloped, they have super quality (and also own, by the way), products with high converts and excellent design. And what is more, I hear more and more that they are set to conquer the foreign market, which I welcome, because everything should be gradual, it is better not to hurry, will definitely make high competition, coming with their products on the foreign market.
3) At the time of active work with them in 2020, they had no applications, or rather they were, but they were objectively bad, they had to improve this point, and, apparently, they set about it and in 2021-2022 already had a base of their good applications, but there is no limit to perfection.

I forgot to mention that I worked actively with them in 2020-2021 and still do, but since I left for another vertical and other responsibilities, I can only work in the background, but I follow them closely.

By the way, consider this another plus, a lot of time has passed, and the leads are still coming, the revshare moves (time of life of a player there is quite high, if I am not mistaken, 3 years).

4) whether you can call it a specific minus - I do not know, perhaps it was about my traffic. It was hard to get a raise at that time, I eventually got an increase in the rates, but it was quite a long time + for another product, maybe I was asking for bad quality traffic))

5) narrow focus, well, in fact not much verticals, but here we go back to point number 2 and remember the quality of work and concentration)

Well, actually, about the minuses, I think that's enough. I have already sucked these disadvantages out of my hand, but I think it may be useful.

We have sorted out the disadvantages: a fairly high payout for the CIS, easy withdrawal, their own products, a small threshold for payment, excellent work managers!! (As I wrote earlier, still keep in touch with the excellent manager Vita), And in general, very pliable, you can negotiate, learn something, and you can see clearly that the brand is developing and growing before our eyes. So go ahead. I do not know how to use Gagarin! It is really very fast and simple, I just want to say thank you very much for your time and energy and it is a pleasure to work with them. Big reliable good guys! Somehow I didn't even mention it before, but here's an opportunity. I'm sorry if I was repeating myself a lot, but I wanted to maximize the benefits of the affiliate programs to the newcomer) I wish you the success and productivity!

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This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

June 20, 2022
  • Profitability 10
  • Support 9
  • Reliability 10
  • Promotional materials 10

I've been driving traffic with Gagarin for the seventh month and so far everything is going quite smoothly, no significant problems have arisen. I've already had an understanding of what works and how it works in the vertical, so it was not long before I got profit.

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This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

June 11, 2022
  • Profitability 8
  • Support 8
  • Reliability 8
  • Promotional materials 8

It's always better to work with the offer directly from the affiliate program, only in gaming niches I would not say that things are good with it. In most affiliate program I've worked with there are about the same offers, which are already quite boring. In this respect it's even surprising that pokerdom has been alive for so many years and it still converts. So kudos to them for their competent approach to developing and maintaining their product.

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This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

June 07, 2022
  • Profitability 10
  • Support 9
  • Reliability 10
  • Promotional materials 9

During this time they have changed a lot, of course, but tried to work with them just six months ago. Mostly, everything is fine, I continue driving on them....Taking into account the difficulties rate hikes they have not stopped paying as some affiliate programs

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This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

February 17, 2022
  • Profitability 1
  • Support 1
  • Reliability 1
  • Promotional materials 1

The affiiate program since the end of 2021 stopped making payouts to their webmasters.
The administration is doing everything possible, so that you can not make payouts.
The price of the lead is 35$ was 50$ 2 years ago. Amount of withdrawal was increased too.
And, at the time of payment, after gaining the amount of the needed for the minimum, passing 2-week hold, waiting for Tuesday and that about a month at least, your payment just gets cancelled. (If everything is so bad why not stop the traffic at once?)
I've managed to get in touch with the administration of the affiliate program, who immediately said that the traffic was faudulent,
started figuring out the situation, I've provided the data on the site statistics for 2 days.
It turned out that registration with VPN is a fraud when the pokerdom support itself says
that if you can not enter, use Vpn. Proofs are also available.
After they nagged to clicks, it turns out if you have traffic passing to the site users from other countries - it is also by fraud.
After all the evidence were provided, the administration couldn't tell me the origins of the idea that I was involved in the fraud.
It was simply followed by ignoring. I have all proofs (screenshots) of all correspondence, anyone who is interested, write me to Telegram.
This affiliate program does not exist at the address, which is specified in the contacts of the affiliate program, why telling this fake information.
Conclusion: judging by their situation and the reviews, this affiliate program started frauding, deceiving webmasters.
I drove traffic of about $ 450. We went out of the hold and they confirmed $ 219 for the payout (why, then, they were confirmed,
I do know why, so that we would not stop the traffic and continued to drive traffic), which were not paid.
Honest affiliate program will never do so.

I do not advise to anyone, you will spend your time and nerves. And you will also be cheated on the day of payments,
They refer to the alleged check of fictitious analysts and accuse you of fraud.

Translated from the original

April 06, 2022, 15:52

Good afternoon, thank you for your feedback. We are truly sorry that you are in this situation.

Our anti-fraud department always carefully checks traffic for fraud, and in case it is detected, the company reserves the right not to make payments to a partner. This is stated in the terms and conditions, which you agree to when you register.

Our pen is not the first year on the market and has established a reputation as a reliable and honest affiliate program which works with proven products.

This is an irrefutable fact, which is confirmed by the loyalty of hundreds of satisfied partners.

This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

September 26, 2021
  • Support 9
  • Promotional materials 9
  • Reliability 10
  • Profitability 10

The conditions are standard, but lately I have been motivated by the influx of leads on Joker, somehow everything changed sharply, it is a sin to complain in this situation) I must give credit, they offer a lot of tools. Even if you compare with touted gambling affiliate program, at least at the level or even higher.

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This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

September 17, 2021
  • Support 9
  • Promotional materials 9
  • Reliability 9
  • Profitability 9

We cooperate on revshare, 30-40% stable. The minimum of tension, even with technical support I contact only in special cases. The conditions are comfortable, the profit is satisfying.

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This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

August 23, 2021
  • Support 9
  • Promotional materials 10
  • Reliability 10
  • Profitability 10

I work with Gagarin recently, after they put a lot of emphasis on Joker. So far the pluses are a convenient office, I liked their tracker. And about their support service, they still help me to get up to speed in the affiliate program. I do not recommend them yet, time will tell. I want to go to the BORЩ MEETUP in August and meet the team personally.

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This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

August 10, 2021
  • Support 9
  • Promotional materials 10
  • Reliability 10
  • Profitability 10

I will not say that I pour traffic only here of course, but on them as well. Gagarin seems to be a direct recruiter from casinos and poker, hence more stable indicators and can give any bump. Plus their meetings - any offline party - a table from pokerdom.

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This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

August 08, 2021
  • Support 9
  • Promotional materials 10
  • Reliability 10
  • Profitability 10

I could not find anything more suitable for myself for the gambling. It is true that they offer only the CIS, maybe they will go to the foreign market at last. But they are rocking Pokerdom themselves. Therefore, I have no questions about the quality. If you choose the sources properly, there shouldn't be any problems. The list of restrictions is not small, everything is specified on the offerers, it's not difficult to understand what you can and what you can't).

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This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

July 21, 2021
  • Support 8
  • Promotional materials 9
  • Reliability 9
  • Profitability 10

At the moment I am satisfied with the work with this affiliate. Since May the figures went uphill, after Joker in Ukraine got a license and the number of leads piled up. The choice of offers is not particularly wide, but the available one happens to get pluses. Payments were not withheld, I did not notice shave as such as well. They pay automatically, though once a week. They could do it more often, but that's okay.

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This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

July 09, 2021
  • Support 9
  • Promotional materials 9
  • Reliability 10
  • Profitability 10

My experience with Gagarin is quite successful. This affiliate works without delays in payments and other tensions. They are quite famous in the market and I don't think it is in their interests to spoil their reputation. Hence the pleasant working conditions. I am satisfied with all the offers for gambling. They do not have a big selection of offers but their rates are competitive on the market. In general - I recommend it.

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This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

July 07, 2021
  • Support 8
  • Promotional materials 9
  • Reliability 10
  • Profitability 10

I've been in the gambling business for a long time now, I'm hooked on various affiliate programs and Gagarin is one of them. It's a media affiliate and it is known to many people. That's why I didn't have high hopes at first. They are very good at marketing and do not have high hopes, so I did not have high hopes at first. During my work I can say the main thing - I strained myself for nothing. They have not scored on the inner workings of their partner's kitchen. I also want to mention their poker tables at events - now I'm waiting for an event to win $500)

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This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

July 06, 2021
  • Support 10
  • Promotional materials 8
  • Reliability 9
  • Profitability 9

I have known the company for five months and I am happy with the profits. I found their Telegram channel, and later started using it, they proved themselves quite positive. From the positive things in Gagarin, the first place is the applications. They are not bad and they convert too. The support helps with the selection of the creatives and solves the technical questions without any delay. Out of the things with which there was tension at the beginning of work - this is the starting hold and the minimal payment of 200 dollars. Have a little sweat at the start. But then, it went like everywhere else. Definitely will continue to pour here. P.S poker contest pleased me.

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This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

June 30, 2021
  • Support 8
  • Promotional materials 9
  • Reliability 9
  • Profitability 10

Gagarin is my main affiliate program now. Not a bad payment scheme. A lot of offers from different casinos. Pokerdom, of course, is a priority. I do not need to beg for the payments, they transfer it automatically without any questions. If you drive traffic clean, they will not give offence and will give more favorable conditions in private. They meet an affiliate halfway in controversial situations and help with the creatives. I used to have a little problem with this point. So far I am satisfied with everything, and I hope to continue working with them.

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This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

June 28, 2021
  • Support 8
  • Promotional materials 9
  • Reliability 9
  • Profitability 10

It's quite a good affiliate program, I'm driving traffic on poker there. I can't say that their offers are unbelievable, that they give some special conditions or that I will drive traffic here for life, but they pay honestly and on time. I don't have any problems with the withdrawal for the time I used them. The Admin pannel is easy to use and I didn't have any issues in the registration process. They sometimes have drawings for webmasters, which helps to make the work process more alive. I`ve been waiting for the offline events to play in the poker tournament and to see Inna. In general, I wish prosperity to the affiliate program and fat profits to webmasters.

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This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

June 23, 2021
  • Support 10
  • Promotional materials 10
  • Reliability 10
  • Profitability 10

In my opinion, this affiliate program is one of the best in the gaming niche. The applications for driving the traffic are suitable, you can discuss everything with the support team and they can share something useful. But the newcommers may face some problems with earning the minimum payment amount. It can be earned quite easily. The main thing is to remember while working with this affiliate program is that the quality of their traffic is closely monitored. No adult and other stuff. I have not come across any other pitfalls in their work and I hope it will keep going this way. I wish this affiliate program to stay afloat longer and all the rest of them have more profit)).

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This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

June 16, 2021
  • Support 9
  • Promotional materials 10
  • Reliability 10
  • Profitability 10

I have been working in this affiliate for not very long, I heard a lot, but somehow the case did not come to the test. At least somewhere else you can work with them. they does not screw up the payouts, everything is fair. So far, there have been no problems in this regard. They should expand geography, but now they only have CIS countries and the ones closest to them.

And now a bit of statistics: In inhaus applications the ASO is good, the price of instal in Poland is $ 4, which is pretty good, Inst2reg - 1k5, reg2dep - 1 to 4, if you add the economy, for $ 80 you can get leads at 150 - as for me, this is cool) Additionally, like all their bonuses. Bonuses come every day, both registrations and applications come, it appears to be really cool, I recommend it)

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This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

December 20, 2020
  • Support 1
  • Promotional materials 1
  • Reliability 1

Do not recommend it! Period. On the day of payment, the manager wrote and said that the traffic was a fraud, and what kind of fraud I do not understand, they did not explain anything, no screenshots and proofs of the fraud traffic was not provided. I drove traffic from the VK targeting.Then we argued and he said that he'll ask fot the uploading of the data from their analytical office - apparantly he asks him to do this to this day...Scammers

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This review reflects the subjective opinion of the user, and not the official position of the editors.

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27 July 2024
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