August 07 0 91

How Affiliate Marketers Are Helping E-commerce Brands Generate Over 9-figures in Revenue

The rise of e-commerce and direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands has created a massive opportunity for affiliate marketers to partner with these companies and drive significant revenue. In recent years, some of the most successful e-commerce brands in the nutra space have leveraged the power of affiliate marketing to acquire customers at scale and generate over 9 figures in sales. This article will explore the strategies and tactics used by top affiliates to achieve these results.

The DTC opportunity

In the last decade, the DTC industry has exploded, with online retail sales projected to hit $6.5 trillion in 2023, and e-commerce websites accounting for 22% of that total. This growth has been fueled by the emergence of platforms like Shopify, which have made it easier than ever for entrepreneurs to launch and scale their own brands.

E-commerce brands are attractive to affiliate marketers for several reasons:

  1. Strong brand equity and social proof
  2. High-quality, innovative products that solve real customer pain points
  3. Celebrity and influencer backing
  4. Sticky customer retention and lifetime value

The most successful e-commerce brands are typically venture-backed and have significant marketing budgets, which allows them to invest in creating compelling content and offers that affiliates can promote.

The ideal affiliate partner

Not all affiliates are created equal, and e-commerce brands are looking for specific qualities in their affiliate partners. The most successful affiliates tend to be:

  1. Traffic source experts: They specialize in one or two traffic sources and have a proven track record of scaling campaigns on those platforms.
  2. Structured testers: They have a systematic approach to testing, optimizing, and scaling campaigns, rather than just throwing money at an offer and hoping for the best.
  3. Transparent and collaborative: They are willing to work closely with the brand and share data and insights to optimize performance.

E-commerce brands are moving away from traditional agency models and looking to partner with affiliates on a performance basis, where they only pay for actual customers acquired. This aligns incentives and allows brands to scale their customer acquisition efforts without taking on unnecessary risk.

The anatomy of a winning offer

Creating a compelling offer is critical to the success of any affiliate campaign, and this is especially true in the DTC space. The most successful offers tend to have the following characteristics:

  1. A hero product: The offer is built around a single, flagship product that solves a clear customer pain point and has a unique selling proposition.
  2. Bundling and upsells: The offer includes bundling options and upsells that increase average order value and allow the brand to pay higher commissions to affiliates.
  3. Scarcity and urgency: The offer creates a sense of scarcity and urgency through limited-time discounts, free gifts with purchase, and other incentives.
  4. Social proof: The offer leverages customer reviews, media mentions, and other forms of social proof to build trust and credibility.

One example of a winning offer is Athletic Greens, a e-commerce brand that sells a premium green superfood powder. Their flagship offer includes a 30-day supply of the product, a free shaker bottle, and a 60-day money-back guarantee. They also have a subscribe and save option that gives customers a discount on recurring orders.

This offer has been incredibly successful for Athletic Greens, generating over $100 million in revenue and allowing them to pay some of the highest commissions in the industry to their top affiliates.

Omsom is another e-commerce brand that has had success with affiliate marketing. They sell Asian food starter kits that make it easy for home cooks to create authentic Asian dishes. Their offer includes a variety pack of their top-selling kits, free shipping, and a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

By bundling their products and offering a strong guarantee, Omsom was able to increase their average order value and conversion rates, which allowed them to scale their affiliate program rapidly.

Ad creatives and landing pages

In addition to a strong offer, having compelling creatives and landing pages is essential for driving conversions. The most successful e-commerce affiliate campaigns tend to have the following elements:

  1. Attention-grabbing headlines: The headline is the first thing a prospect sees, so it needs to be clear, benefit-driven, and attention-grabbing.
  2. Engaging visuals: Using high-quality product images, lifestyle shots, and user-generated content can help build trust and showcase the product in action.
  3. Benefit-driven copy: The copy should focus on the key benefits of the product and how it solves the customer's pain points, rather than just listing features.
  4. Strong calls-to-action: The call-to-action should be clear, compelling, and create a sense of urgency.

One effective approach is to use advertorials that blend editorial content with product promotion. These can take many forms, such as listicles (e.g., "Top 10 Reasons Why Product X is a Game-Changer"), customer stories (e.g., "How Product Y Helped Me Lose 50 Pounds"), or expert roundups (e.g., "What 5 Nutritionists Say About Product Z").

The key is to create content that educates and informs the reader while seamlessly integrating the product promotion. This approach can help build trust and authority, and make the prospect more receptive to the offer.

Payouts and incentives

Of course, none of this matters if the payout and incentives aren't attractive enough for affiliates. The most successful e-commerce brands understand that they need to offer competitive commissions and bonuses to attract and retain top affiliates.

The payout is typically based on the brand's lifetime customer value and target acquisition costs. For example, if a brand knows that their average customer is worth $500 over their lifetime, and they are willing to pay up to $100 to acquire that customer, they may offer affiliates a $50-70 CPA (cost per acquisition).

In addition to the base payout, many brands offer performance bonuses and other incentives to motivate affiliates to drive more volume and higher quality customers. These can include:

  1. Tiered commissions: The commission rate increases as the affiliate drives more sales, incentivizing them to scale their campaigns.
  2. Retention bonuses: Affiliates earn additional bonuses based on the percentage of customers they refer who make a second purchase or remain active subscribers.
  3. Contest prizes: Brands run contests where top-performing affiliates can win cash prizes, trips, or other rewards.

The key is to structure the incentives in a way that aligns with the brand's goals and rewards affiliates for driving the right kind of customers and behavior.

Affiliate recruitment and management

Finding and managing the right affiliates is critical to the success of any e-commerce affiliate program. Many brands work with affiliate networks or platforms that provide access to a large pool of affiliates and streamline the tracking and payment process.

However, the most successful programs also invest in direct recruitment and relationship-building with top affiliates. This can involve attending industry events, reaching out to affiliates who are promoting similar offers, and leveraging social media and other channels to build brand awareness and attract partners.

Once affiliates are recruited, it's important to provide them with the resources and support they need to be successful. This can include:

  1. Creative assets: Providing high-quality ad copy, images, and landing page templates that affiliates can customize and use in their campaigns.
  2. Detailed program terms: Clearly outlining the commission structure, cookie duration, and other key terms of the program to avoid confusion or disputes.
  3. Dedicated affiliate management: Having a dedicated point of contact who can answer questions, provide optimization tips, and help troubleshoot any issues that arise.

Many brands also invest in technology and automation to streamline the affiliate management process and provide real-time reporting and insights to both the brand and the affiliates.

Continuous optimization

Finally, the most successful e-commerce affiliate programs are always testing and optimizing to improve performance. This can involve:

  1. A/B testing ad copy and landing pages to improve click-through and conversion rates.
  2. Analyzing customer data to identify trends and opportunities for upselling and cross-selling.
  3. Surveying customers to gather feedback and testimonials that can be used in marketing materials.
  4. Monitoring affiliate performance and pruning non-productive partners to maintain a high-quality affiliate base.

By continuously optimizing and innovating, e-commerce brands can stay ahead of the curve and maintain a competitive edge in an increasingly crowded market.

Q&A with Aaron Paul the founder of Paul Street marketing team

To get more insights we are sharing a Q and A with Aaron Paul, the founder Paul Street, his team has generated over $150 million in revenue for their clients in the nutra space by leveraging affiliate marketing.

Aaron Paul

Q: Can you share a bit about your background and what led you to start Paul Street?

A: I was born and raised in Bahrain, not too far from Dubai. Prior to founding Paul Street, I helped build Carousel, the direct-to-consumer division under jumbleberry (now SquareDance). I also invested in and advised several consumer tech and CPG companies.

Through those experiences, I saw an opportunity to start an agency that could help high-growth e-commerce brands, especially in nutra and health, efficiently scale customer acquisition by partnering with the best affiliate marketers. I knew affiliates were extremely skilled at crafting stories, optimizing funnels, and aggressively scaling winners. So in 2021, I founded Paul Street in Austin, Texas to bridge the gap between top e-commerce brands and top performance marketing affiliates.

Q: What exactly does Paul Street do? How do you support both the brands and the affiliates you work with?

A: Paul Street is a full-service affiliate management agency. We act as an extension of the brand's marketing team, overseeing and growing their affiliate program.

For brands, we handle everything from strategy and recruitment to optimization and affiliate support. We help them structure compelling offers, build high-converting landing pages, and recruit proven affiliates across multiple traffic sources. Then we provide ongoing program management - tracking performance, communicating with partners, supporting existing affiliates, recruiting new ones, and continuously optimizing the program to drive more scale and efficiency.

We also act as a strategic partner to the brand, providing guidance on things like customer LTV, promotional strategy, funnel optimization, and even influencer partnerships. We see ourselves as an extension of their team, doing whatever we can to help them grow.

For affiliates, we're a trusted partner that helps them get access to top offers and consistently scale them. We work with proven, high-quality brands and we put significant time and effort into optimizing offers before we open them up to affiliates.

We also pride ourselves on our affiliate support. We're highly responsive and hands-on. We help them get the assets and approvals they need quickly. We share insights and best practices. And we continue to optimize offers and payouts based on their feedback and performance.

Essentially, we sit in the middle, aligning incentives and facilitating collaboration between the affiliates and the brands. We help brands get access to high-quality, scalable traffic. And we help affiliates get access to high-quality, high-paying, fast-growing offers. It's a win-win.

Q: Paul Street has driven millions in revenue for clients, largely in the nutra vertical. What do you attribute that success to?

A: A big factor is that we are very selective about the brands we work with. We look for brands doing at least $20 million per year in revenue, so we know they have a proven product and are ready to scale. Ideally, they have strong brand recognition, credible endorsements, an innovative product that addresses a real pain point, and high customer retention/LTV.

When we have a brand like that, with a high-quality product and strong unit economics, our affiliate partners can be extremely effective at driving profitable sales at scale. We're able to give them compelling offers, great economics, and timely payments. And we work closely with the brands to arm affiliates with the assets and insights they need to succeed.

So it comes down to partnering with the right brands and the right affiliates, aligning incentives, and providing the support and optimization they need to scale.

Q: Can you share more about your process when launching a new affiliate program for a nutra brand?

A: The first key step is collaborating with the brand to structure an attractive offer - typically some type of discounted bundle or "reason to buy now" promotion. We make sure the economics work for the affiliate to profitably scale.

In parallel, we work to create a high-converting pre-sell page and product landing page. We'll concept multiple approaches and work with copywriters and designers to bring them to life. Then we tap a small group of proven affiliates to test and validate the funnel.

Once we've dialed in the offer and funnel, we focus on recruiting proven affiliates across multiple traffic sources - social, native, email, etc. We leverage our network but also proactively reach out to affiliates we think could be a good fit.

As affiliates start to scale, we collaborate very closely with them and the brand. We provide 1-on-1 support, create custom assets, put lucrative incentives in place, and continuously optimize the funnel and offer. We're in constant communication to surface insights, troubleshoot issues, and help them grow.

Q: What advice would you give to an affiliate who wants to start promoting nutra and health offers from top e-commerce brands?

A: First, focus on being great at one traffic source rather than being average at several. The more you can demonstrate consistent, quality scale on your main source, the more brands will want to work with you.

Second, be willing to test new offers and be patient as you and the network optimize them. Don't give up on an offer or brand just because it doesn't work right away. The most successful affiliates are always testing and optimizing.

Third, treat your affiliate business like a real business. Invest in good tracking, establish an LLC, stay compliant with marketing regulations, pay your taxes, and be professional in your communications. The more buttoned up you are, the more big brands will trust you.

Finally, look for ways to add value beyond just sending traffic. Share insights and learnings with the brand and network. Send over new ad angles or funnel ideas. Maintain open communication. The more you can contribute to the brand's success, the more they'll want to invest in your growth and lock in your traffic.


Affiliate marketing has proven to be a highly effective channel for e-commerce brands to acquire customers at scale and drive significant revenue. By partnering with top affiliates and creating compelling offers, brands like Athletic Greens and Omsom have been able to generate over 9-figures in sales and build loyal customer bases.

The key to success is understanding the unique dynamics of the DTC space and building an affiliate program that attracts and incentivizes the right partners. This involves creating a strong offer, developing engaging creatives and landing pages, offering competitive payouts and incentives, and investing in ongoing recruitment and optimization.

As the e-commerce landscape continues to evolve, affiliate marketing will play an increasingly important role in the growth and success of e-commerce brands. By leveraging the strategies and tactics outlined in this article, both brands and affiliates can capitalize on this opportunity and achieve impressive results.

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